Lockdown is over...

The president of CNN is on video saying they do 24/7 TDS programming. The Main Stream Media (MSM) gets their orders from the families at the top (Soros, Rothchilds). These people want America destroyed and own all companies. So when you post a story from CNN most of the people on TW know it's fake news. No matter what Trump does, the media spins it to be bad, or they say he should have done it sooner.
Which media is good media

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poop truck poop truck poop truck

Tribalwar Gaming News' very own Mitchdubai, Chief Editor for the Southeast Australia Dubai Region, has led the coordination of the world's largest fleet of poop trucks in a successful mass cleanup and disinfection of the Indigenous People's Islamic Banana Republic and Orange Julius of Dubai, a nation of over 213 million people on the continent of Australia

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

hooray 4 mitch :sunny:
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Mexico is not letting me surf...
but neither would Southern California
but like I've always said
I was born in MexiCali

Not being able to surf
yet see this swell come rolling in
off the point from my balcony
nobody out...
now I really am going crazy

I hope Mexico hears about the sunlight trick
ima die up here watching waves that should be ridden
"Individuals will be able to leave their homes between 6.00 am and 10.00 pm without a permit. The public will be required to strictly follow precautionary measures which include maintaining physical distance from others as per guidelines and wearing a face mask. Those who do not wear a mask will be subject to a fine of AED1,000."

oh cool, you don't need a permit to leave your house now, Mitch. that's great, dawg! congrats!
"Individuals will be able to leave their homes between 6.00 am and 10.00 pm without a permit. The public will be required to strictly follow precautionary measures which include maintaining physical distance from others as per guidelines and wearing a face mask. Those who do not wear a mask will be subject to a fine of AED1,000."

oh cool, you don't need a permit to leave your house now, Mitch. that's great, dawg! congrats!

When you did need a permit, it was a very simple online process to get one. It provided control, data and has resulted in the situation being well managed by pretty much any metric you care to look at.

The alternative is to let dumbfucks from Bumfuck make their own decisions, because YAY land of the free, which really doesn't seem to be going too well for ya so far. I know where i'd rather be.

The tinfoil-hattery is strong tonight. Don't forget your couple of teaspoons of warm lysol before bed.
So many questions the left asks answered here!!

In this episode
a jew who's not lying and is a patriot to his country
When you did need a permit, it was a very simple online process to get one. It provided control, data and has resulted in the situation being well managed by pretty much any metric you care to look at.

The alternative is to let dumbfucks from Bumfuck make their own decisions, because YAY land of the free, which really doesn't seem to be going too well for ya so far. I know where i'd rather be.

The tinfoil-hattery is strong tonight. Don't forget your couple of teaspoons of warm lysol before bed.

So what you're saying is that the fecal fumes have gotten to your ability to think for yourself and made your spine weak, therefore you need dirt monkeys to tell you when to leave your mud hut
hey look at that Mitch gets to join the rest of the civilized world in being able to go outside his home without an "outside permit"

too bad he still can't drink a beer without one

I guess they lifted it for Rhamadomadingdong from what I can see.

So let the pre-summer fireworks and beheadings begin


here he was worried about me being under martial law in California

when he couldn't leave his basement even if he wanted to

CONGRATS to being almost 3rd world status again over in DUBAI
entire country eats with their hands

has no running water/sewer system

relies on international travelers to have even a pretend economy (Sex in City NY filth)

makes nothing themselves and imports everything except for Oil (which is now worth negative money a barrel)

nahhh MITCH is going to be A-OK


he has this thought through like he has all his other great posts/threads this week (and next)

he is picking up this dubai turd truck by the clean end

mitch is so proud to be a crusty festering cling on scab on his governments combat boot

he had to make this brag thread about it

man he is winning life so hard i'm envious

he is going outside today guys...............NOT TO BRAG OR ANYTHING