live deliberately

:lol: to get me doing things slushieeeez
otherwise i default to the biggest group that is always around, the internet.
you stupid jerks

naptown, sports are great, they let people live out emotions and get those rushes we normally would only get actually performing the things we see, or murder whatever. I dont really agree with billing the public for a private enterprise (then charging said public) nor do i get the millions paid out to these entertainers as we can have something equally entertaining, for free (prison gladiators)
done and done.

some people would rather watch sports and talk about that all day. great. I'm not one of them. I dont get off on fantasy teams or who got how much money to break their body down and end up broke down the line because they were never educated enough to take care of themselves when we are done with their physical greatness.
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When I was 36...damn, 20 years ago now...I learned how to fly on a trapeze, some of the folks I learned with went on to travel with the Barnum and Bailey's Red Circus. I was the network admin for the local city then.
fox k blew my mind, then i blew my load

slushiez, less peer pressure, since there is no pressure...more i enjoy the social interactions of an activity more than the activity itself. I love swimming. Swimming by myself, not so much. I'm more focused with more people. Odd but thats how i'm wired.

ICfire that is awesome!
lots have families, live in suburbs outside where a lot of activities are, moved, or whatever.
its hard juggling work, their own schedules, and then adding other shit to do on top of it all

but i'm a social butterfly by trade
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how is the desire to do things with others attention whorish?
humans are humans because of how social an animal we are

monkies are greedy self centered jerks who only look out for number one
humans are less so, and we developed speech and other things to help the whole survive

i chalk it up to biology. I also have a strong desire for fatherhood (at the right time)
how is the desire to do things with others attention whorish?
humans are humans because of how social an animal we are

monkies are greedy self centered jerks who only look out for number one
humans are less so, and we developed speech and other things to help the whole survive

i chalk it up to biology. I also have a strong desire for fatherhood (at the right time)

hmm primates as a whole have complex social structures, it's not exclusive to humans, pal
has anyone seen my captain

as an aside, it's not just about reading and debating, but doing more.
drinking and dancing all night is fun but really, accomplishes little for me. I think i'd find more fulfilment in, for instance, taking those acting classes, or revisting rock climbing.
shit i used to do or have always thought about doing but don't.
again, for me, i think this would work best with a group of like minded and willed individuals, as i can be as a stone most times. Dormant and unmoving but if pushed one way or the other, rolling until something else stops me.

i'm extremely introspective of my situation and have been throughout my brief life.
so these things happen.
i didnt really do the college thing nor the dancing thing, and have been getting those things not necessarily out of my system, but experiencing them. It's fun for sure though.

zlex and others, how is this thread pretentious? Wanting to think about things? Discuss emotions and passions, the human condition?
if i wanted to be a robot that went to work made money drank (refuel) and dance, i could do that and be a dead souless thing.

i know this? I'm out of school and loved every minute of my liberal arts education where we read tons of books and had discussions on the subject matter. Just been a while since i did that, and marked the shit out of things.
Taking control of life, not putting blame anywhere, going about with purpose
if you're one of those people that take life by the throat, than that is great. Carpe diem! whatever the rest of the tagline was... a lot of people don't, and are not life long learners. I've been sitting on my laurels, or had been, for a pretty good stint of time and i guess i've snapped out of my fog again.

But again, because of who i am, I need a group of peoples. The group i had back in the day has disapated. Maybe i'll find some jerks in the acting class i'm putting off joining.

:lol: to get me doing things slushieeeez
otherwise i default to the biggest group that is always around, the internet.
you stupid jerks

slushiez, less peer pressure, since there is no pressure...more i enjoy the social interactions of an activity more than the activity itself. I love swimming. Swimming by myself, not so much. I'm more focused with more people. Odd but thats how i'm wired.

how is the desire to do things with others attention whorish?
humans are humans because of how social an animal we are

monkies are greedy self centered jerks who only look out for number one
humans are less so, and we developed speech and other things to help the whole survive

You want a group of people to hold your hand and tell you what to do. Without the safety of a group to tell you that what you're doing is "ok" you won't do what you really want to. You'd rather sit and be social during a break in an activity, than do the activity itself. Which was fine in school when you were pretty much forced to be there. But now? You're choosing to be there, choosing to be an intellectual douchebag or however you're looking at this "living deliberately" thing. If you don't want to do it, then don't. If you do, then go ahead, why should it matter if you have a bunch of people pushing you to do it, or pushing you to stop?

That's really no way to live your life, and if you're wanting to change something about yourself, I'd start there. Only teenage girls really worry about doing what everyone else thinks is "cool".
true skivvis, but i remember reading something about why language developed among humans and not other primates, as they are fully capable of it.

i'm pissed off that i cant find these articles after reading them. i think it was on bbc or cnn a year or 8 months ago? The theory was that the chimps would only give up their ... "goods?" to other chimps if they needed something back. Generally sexual favors iirc. Experiement called for giving all the chimps a specific amount of whatever. beads or bananas or something.
it was pretty interesting but damn me if i cant find it. here's something else instead:
The gestural theory states that human language developed from gestures that were used for simple communication.

Two types of evidence support this theory.

Gestural language and vocal language depend on similar neural systems. The regions on the cortex that are responsible for mouth and hand movements border each other.
Nonhuman primates can use gestures or symbols for at least primitive communication, and some of their gestures resemble those of humans, such as the "begging posture", with the hands stretched out, which humans share with chimpanzees.[34]
Research found strong support for the idea that verbal language and sign language depend on similar neural structures. Patients who used sign language, and who suffered from a left-hemisphere lesion, showed the same disorders with their sign language as vocal patients did with their spoken language.[35] Other researchers found that the same left-hemisphere brain regions were active during sign language as during the use of vocal or written language.[36]

The important question for gestural theories is why there was a shift to vocalization. There are three likely explanations:

Our ancestors started to use more and more tools, meaning that their hands were occupied and could not be used for gesturing.
Gesturing requires that the communicating individuals can see each other. There are many situations in which individuals need to communicate even without visual contact, for instance when a predator is closing in on somebody who is up in a tree picking fruit.
The need to co-operate effectively with others in order to survive. A command issued by a tribal leader to 'find' 'stones' to 'repel' attacking 'wolves' would create teamwork and a much more powerful, co-ordinated response.
Humans still use hand and facial gestures when they speak, especially when people meet who have no language in common.[37] There are also, of course, a great number of sign languages still in existence, commonly associated with Deaf communities.

Critics of gestural theory note, that it is difficult to name serious reasons why the initial pitch-based vocal communication (which is present in primates) would be abandoned and changed into the non-vocal, gestural communication, which was much less effective for the communication, than vocal communication.
some other theories on there as well in terms of human origin of language. And apaprently persian is the most advanced language *shrug*
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intellectual douchebag?
thats more something that happens when you think you're better than others and get all snobby and shit. I'm not a hipster and i dont think i'd ever become a poetry slammer or whatever.

i do what i want when i want. Its just i have a lot of fun not doing anything as well. Whats the experience worth if i cant share it with other people? it's less a thing of "oh god is this right am i being cool!?" and more laziness. extreme laziness?

i dunno. cliff jumping is fun. climbing rocks is fun. Cliff jumping while trying to fake fall onto your friend is a lot more fun. Rock climbing while trying to pull each other off is a lot more fun.
swimming laps is..okay. i get distracted or dont push myself as hard though. Swimming with/against buddies keeps us all going (just 2 more laps!) or whatever.
painting is fun. painting and being gay and putting paint on each other and laughing and giggling and hugging is more fun.
paintballing is fun. sky diving...not actually that much fun...but anyway, more fun when you're jokin with buddiez and shooting each other in the nuts or LOL kicking someone toward the open hatch in the back of the plane (wtf!)

does that illustrate the point a little more?