Link to Tribes Linux server?


Veteran X
Veteran XX
A buddy of mine wants to run a tribes linux server at his work. Does someone still have the linux server files hosted somewhere?

(And "NO" to obligatory requests for Tribes Source Code)

I think I used to have a copy of it, but before I take the time to dig through all my archives, can you post the source code for Tribes please?
(those code tags work great for that).
I think I used to have a copy of it, but before I take the time to dig through all my archives, can you post the source code for Tribes please?
(those code tags work great for that).

If I posted it, what would I have left to hang over your heads?
Tribes 1 servers can run under recent versions of Wine under Linux.

I've seen others get it to work as a client under Wine but I haven't done in myself.
A buddy of mine wants to run a tribes linux server at his work. Does someone still have the linux server files hosted somewhere?

(And "NO" to obligatory requests for Tribes Source Code)

T1 or one of the abominations, Weezie?
Or for a linux install you could just drop in and play, there's this:

Removed all the extra junk from the 1.1GB one on so it's just what's needed, cut it back to 474mb. :)

Hey krash.
Just found this thread.

I'm the one who hosts T2 Linux | T2 Linux

I'm just in the process of improving the page with more info and possible a stripped down version.

Did you just remove the ClientPrefs.cs && the map files? (1 GB of map files iir)
I believe so... I had needed a working updated linux package for a construction server I was running at the time since the binaries from what I had weren't working, so I transferred it over and took out all of the additional maps and such so I could just put back what I needed. Repacked it and stuck it there.
Speaking of which, Alex can you try and convince Sierra to open up the auth servers in T2 since its freeware now? :) It's retarded new people that want to play basically still have to "buy" a serial for a "freeware" game