[liberal]so GW Bush went by my house yesterday on his way back from stanford

Well he's the president.

It's ok for a parent to spank their child, but not for the child to spank their parents.
I'm going to post a serious and non partisan thread. I know it will get into partisan bickering but I think it's an honest question.

Please partake.


So what's worse, the college student or the 50 something who is PRESIDENT OF THE USA?
Boomyguy said:
I'm pretty sure the president himself has flipped off reporters.
does he need to grow up?

If you're referring to the video of him doing that he was with friends and he was joking around (and yes he still needs to grow up).
Baby Bew said:
So what's worse, disrespecting the leader of our country or disrespecting a cameraman?

which of those two caused the deaths of thousands of American soldiers over a "mistake" about WMD and caused the deaths of thousands of american civiliians because he chose to wipe his ass with a memo saying osama bin laden was about to attack the US with passenger airline planes?

Bush deserves no respect. only ridicule. He's an embarassment and a danger to the planet.
yeah he was in my city today as well.. but the jackass didn't make any public appearances. i wonder why? probably because i know at least 300 people that'd risk doing some jail time so they could throw shit at him if he ever did.
rofl @ all the fags telling him to grow up.
GJ mofo I would have done the same if I had the balls/chance.
So what does flipping off or mooning the President actually accomplish besides making liberals look immature and foolish? You want to be taken seriously, start acting like it. If you can't raise yourself to a higher level than those you disagree with, why should anyone give a fuck about your opinion. I realize I'm generalizing and most liberals are not like that, but those who are please shut the fuck up.. let us know when you do something politically constructive.