Let's talk about the "Man or Bear?" TikTok-debate.

It's funny because a handful of guys in this place are all about "i have a wife, YO!" and "yoyoyoyoo i have a family I'm superman!!" yet it feels like they've never had at least somewhat of a decent conversation with their spouse or daughter about how a lot of men tend to behave.

There are a lot of messed up guys out there. I don't understand why some men get all defensive about it. "Not all guys!" - of course not, but still way too many. If you as a man don't understand that it's our shared responsibility to address shitty behavior from other men and even feel like you have to defend it by saying "but hey not all of us do this" then you have your brains up your ass.. but then again.. this is TW. ;)
Femboy out here trashing men. You’ll need to actually be man to speak on our behalf.

There is just as much if not more fucked up women, ruining men’s lives in divorce court and fake MeToo claims.
Just a thought. How many of you guys have daughters age 12 and up? Imagine taking a walk with her. She is dressed in her everyday normal attire, nothing flashy. You walk at good bit behind her, just so you can see what is going on and run to her should she need it. Watch how guys are treating her.
I remember this forum about 20 years ago when a lot of focus was on getting laid and busting inside. Some of you might still be like that, but I guess most of you are responsible loving husbands and fathers and a new generation of hormonal youths are sniffing around the hips of your little girl. Creeps do exist.
i am an incel, thanx 4 the reminder

what i have done tho is after my hair got past my shoulders, when i shave my homeless beard off in the spring, i have been followed at night when i'm going down the block 2 get a late night tallboy at 7-eleven

the first time it happened a pickup truck pulled up onto the sidewalk in front of me with high beams on, then i heard a man's voice say "shit, it's a dude"

i had no idea until then why i rarely see women in public anymore

it's like wtf be a gentleman and put her in ur bank w/ a less than 1 second glance so shit's not awkward and she will still b ok with going outside and looking hot u kno, then u can get more bank material etc.

doods don't kno how 2 creep professionally, maybe i need to start a youtube academy on how 2b a stealth incel
Just a thought. How many of you guys have daughters age 12 and up? Imagine taking a walk with her. She is dressed in her everyday normal attire, nothing flashy. You walk at good bit behind her, just so you can see what is going on and run to her should she need it. Watch how guys are treating her.
I remember this forum about 20 years ago when a lot of focus was on getting laid and busting inside. Some of you might still be like that, but I guess most of you are responsible loving husbands and fathers and a new generation of hormonal youths are sniffing around the hips of your little girl. Creeps do exist.
i still cant believe how in todays age where its so easy to find willing partners on apps that this is even still an issue. its like you just want to be a creep and bug ppl because there are 100 options to get laid if u really cared enough about it.

then again i had a lady melt down for the simple fact i held a door open for her so wtf do i know.
Femboy out here trashing men. You’ll need to actually be man to speak on our behalf.

There is just as much if not more fucked up women, ruining men’s lives in divorce court and fake MeToo claims.

Yikes, what does the amount of shitty women have to do with the fact that a lot of men out there treat women awful?

I also think it's cute you view yourself as more of a man than me. Mr. "Hey there are a lot of shitty women out there too so they must deserve it when they're getting treated like shit". :lol:
Gonna be awkward when one AI starts accusing the other AI of SA because of a bad date.
It's funny because a handful of guys in this place are all about "i have a wife, YO!" and "yoyoyoyoo i have a family I'm superman!!" yet it feels like they've never had at least somewhat of a decent conversation with their spouse or daughter about how a lot of men tend to behave.

There are a lot of messed up guys out there. I don't understand why some men get all defensive about it. "Not all guys!" - of course not, but still way too many. If you as a man don't understand that it's our shared responsibility to address shitty behavior from other men and even feel like you have to defend it by saying "but hey not all of us do this" then you have your brains up your ass.. but then again.. this is TW. ;)
its weird how you tak this stance to prove a point yet cheerlead 24/7 for dare who literally keeps going to jail for the exact same thing..

maybe you should pick a lane.
Jews have been kicked out of most of the countries on this planet and enslaved by multiple civilizations for a reason...
Now do black people, Jews, or Muslims.
Pretty sure TW does them daily. Of course they also do hispanics, asians, and in my case, LOVE to remind me of their ancestors committing genocide and how funny it all is to them.

The problem with getting TW referred to Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate site, is there aren't enough people or traffic here for them to care.
Racist it is, but so irrelevant, watchdog sites don't give a shit about this place. No one does.