Legends Movie


Veteran XV
[release]Legends Movie:changeitup

Started playing sunday, and I already like this game. I needed a change from tribes.....

There are bugs in the recording playback where enemys are sometimes green.
It doesn't register zoom either.

If anyone can spare a mirror it would be great!

Ghost and I threw this together in a few hours. We just wanted to capture certain parts of the game that were like tribes so we might get more people to come play.

1st song!
music from psychodestroy - www.myspace.com/eternalessence

more hosts please!


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there's one other that came first, just so you know. You weren't the first. Second, yes, not first. Downloading now.


the first was a quickie by a guy in our forums.
just play the game dude..yeah some shots were kinda dark but that was the stage..thing actually change from light to dark in this game.For being a game created free for people to be involved in i thinks it is coming along great since i played it from the first beta versions.Of course it still in the making and after you play it for a while it tends to grow on you.Yor opinion is your own but here is my opinion i rather play legends than TV know why,because i know this game will get a patch soon haha.

gg's and thanks for waching!
ive played it, i was apart of the staff early on till i realized it sucks :/
no offense loop

but the game just isnt fun, it truly is a tribes wannabe, not a diff game, if i want t1, ill play t1
good video? good movie? jesus fucking christ that was one of the worst movies ever created. a chaingun kill and a return of a grounded flag? a fucking fight that takes 2 minutes to finish and ended with a ground kill? yeah good movie dumbshits
Tylenol said:
good video? good movie? jesus fucking christ that was one of the worst movies ever created. a chaingun kill and a return of a grounded flag? a fucking fight that takes 2 minutes to finish and ended with a ground kill? yeah good movie dumbshits


yeah, no shit.
Tylenol said:
good video? good movie? jesus fucking christ that was one of the worst movies ever created. a chaingun kill and a return of a grounded flag? a fucking fight that takes 2 minutes to finish and ended with a ground kill? yeah good movie dumbshits

You, sir, are an idiot.

ground kills aren't special, that is obvious. but i dont think this movie was mean to be all ews and ahs... besides, they get enough MAs to add some flavor to it.

broaden your horizons.
Yea, sorry if you don't like the movie. I really didn't put much time into it. I didn't mean for it to be the best movie in the world, and I'm not trying to show off my midair shots or chaining a flag carrier.. just putting things in it that might turn you on to the game. If you don't like the game its not any ones place to argue with you:) everyone is titled to their own opinion. Next time I make a movie I'll make sure i put more than 2 hours into it.