Leaving an inside cat with someone who would let it outside?

Unless you have a problem with mice there is no need to own a cat that does fuck all to contribute to the household.

Kill the cat. Get a dog. Better yet have the new dog kill the useless cat.

Does your cat wait at the door all the time because it wants to go out?

If it shows any signs of wanting to go out then you shouldn't do it, because it will go outside and get the fuck out of there.

A cat needs to be at a new place for at least six weeks for it to come back to the same place after it went out. Then it knows the place and knows it'll get fed over there. If your cat get's out at the other place it'll just go out and look for your own appartment, because that's home.
wait isn't ur sister aka wife asian?

why don't u just hire someone to come to ur place and take care of ur cat

adulting must be hard for someone who fuks their sister
Bad idea. Cats do not like to be shuttled to a new location even if you came with it. Your cat would simply escape and attempt to return to his known home.
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong, letting an inside cat go outside and get hit by a car or two; or get lost after running away from a nuts chasing dog. Is this dude for real? What a fucken imbecile...

Just leave the cat at home and leave him lots of food and water. Let the animal live happily at least once with your absence. Yw
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Bad idea. Cats do not like to be shuttled to a new location even if you came with it. Your cat would simply escape and attempt to return to his known home.

Yes, this.

Reggs, if you care for your cat, take it with you, get someone who can take care of it at your home or stay put. You obviously worry about its safety or you wouldn't come here for advice.
Put the cat in your room with a couple buckets of water and huge open bag of cat food. Then screw the bedroom door shut from the outside, and just go. Your house sitter can sleep on the couch.
You obviously worry about its safety or you wouldn't come here for advice.


Don’t they have like week feeders for cats? I think your cat would prefer to stay in his known universe. Just put out a couple extra shit boxes. I’m not a weirdo with a cat, so take my advice with a grain of salt
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