Last Comic Standing


Veteran X
I couldn't have been happier with the matchup, two people who I wanted to lose so I would have been satisfied either way. The losers are coming back next episode, hopefully the twist will be good because this episode was pretty boring.
the "make the kids laugh" challenge was pretty lame.

and wtf was with the dog? all of a sudden "oops we suddenly have a dog now" that was kinda strange.
Gary was much funnier during his set this week than he was last week. He might win the whole thing too if the audiences are mostly female.
I liked Jay, he's got a much more unique approach than the others, but I couldn't take him for more than a few minutes. Gary is getting a lot of air time to practice but there's only one more competition. I don't recall how the actual winner is decided.
It's kind of a toss up if you ask me. The remaining 5 are all pretty good performers. It will really boil down to the composition of the audience.
I like Last Comic Standing, but the whole thing with the producers overriding votes just pisses me off.

But at least they eliminated the fag last week.
i talked to one guy who made it to las vegas or whereever it is they pick the final ten to make it into the house and he said a buncha comics were told that they had no chance of making it into the final 10, and that the producers already picked who was going to make it and that they were just being used as filler. So that whole scene in vegas where they announce the final 10 and everyone is looking all nervous is a crock of shit. They knew damn well they werent going to make it. This show would be a lot better if it wasnt a total scam from the begining.
I like Jay Londons style alot. But it gets old really, really fast. There is no way that guy could do a 1/2 hour show special without hearing "sir it will be over soon" six hundred times.

Corey Holkum deserved to go tonight. His set was fucking terrible... ugh. And i can't believe they gave ant more airtime.. that fag is one of the most annoying idiots on the face of the planet. I saw an interview with him on some show the other day and he is getting his own TV show... :ugh:
The problem with one-liners is you never remember them. With sets, you can at least remember what the topics were and therefore a few of the jokes. I can't remember a single joke London told.

And yea Corey deserved to go last night. The other two blew him away.
Corey doesn't seem to come up with material beyond the ladies man stuff which is too bad cause starting out he was my fav, he definitely got beat by the other two last night and I'm going to say unless he expands his material Corey is going to become a tv trivia question.
god damnit i still cant believe tammy is there, todd should have won the stand off, just the "im a mix of mel gibson and fred flinstone" joke should have owned her, not to mention her "god-daughter" show was the stupidest idea i ever heard,
filsinger said:
I like Jay Londons style alot. But it gets old really, really fast. There is no way that guy could do a 1/2 hour show special without hearing "sir it will be over soon" six hundred times.

that and the mic tap and the ever present "Thaank Yoou"
John and Corey are coming to the local comedy club in August. I've already seen 4 comedians from last year's LCS there.
Psyklone said:
god damnit i still cant believe tammy is there, todd should have won the stand off, just the "im a mix of mel gibson and fred flinstone" joke should have owned her, not to mention her "god-daughter" show was the stupidest idea i ever heard,

the one woman in the focus group had Tammy dead on. "She says not all italians are in the mob, then goes on to describe how her whole family is mafia." It's not funny, and she always uses the same fucking jokes.