
A nigger is a nigger if he is a nigger
A nigger is not simple "black person" if he is a simple black person.
A nigger is a nigger if he looks and acts like a nigger.
A black person is a black person if he acts like a normal white person.

nigger criteria.
listens to rap music, doesn't work a job, sits around all day drinking and fucking hood nigger females, gang bangin. GANGSTA lifestyle choices apply to all blacks because most of all blacks try to be "hood" or "gangsta" where ever possible. The collect welfare and suck the system they are the army of the democrat parties sympathy guilt wing. they play significant role in convincing young white males and moreover females in to voting for the communist party that is the democrat party...RUSSIA STYLE. The students are lured into the schools and forcefed propaganda stating how the black is either a victim or is superior. The money from the young white student is then funneled back into the democrat party by way of union dues and direct donations from the school via the way of "public speaker" and dinner evens and other fundraisers.

hardcore nigger criteria
there is the fringe nigger, he is a hard core nigger. probably somewhat more street smart skilled and savy he is a craft nigger and probably belongs to a small group or large group. These niggers can be found wearing cammos boots and vests they have some self upkeep and are miltant niggers and they have apartments where they do business out of and sell drugs and buy arms. They are mostly nation of islam converts and they favor a 9mm and an ak47. They are the niggers that do home invasions and heavy violent activities. They frequently are low key low vis and some can be seen in cities in motorcycle packs. Random violence does not suit them they tend to pick targets or rivals. they keep their "bitches" on a very short leash as they are not crazy nigger bitches at the pool.

I have seen both types of niggers.

The high echelon niggers are in black caucus , aclu, drugs and the white house.