Knife sharpening question

oil stone, water stone, diamond stone........................WHICH ONE IS IT?

a friend of mine swears by glass and sandpaper

whatever one you prefer, dummy.

i've got a 2 sided diamond stone, i rough my knives in with the coarse side, put an edge on them with the fine side, and finish with a steel stick.
wtf there's at least one in every major mall i've been to so shaddap you homo.

I don't know what they are called because i'm not gay.

calm down big boy. in my post i stated i need to go to one of those kitchen stores. i never stated it was a problem. its just more of a drive. my point was WTF do wallmarts and targets not carry them near me when they have a pretty big kitchen utensil section.
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people need to remember that skysnipe is the kid who spent years training in an airsoft militia wannabe group and was denied entry to the army because he couldnt even finish HS without being kept back 2 years

OMG!!! :lol:

Link? please find something to back this up mucky.

thats what im talkin about.

That is so totally wrong it's absurd. He's teaching people to use a steel with a biased count and running the edge away from the butt of the steel which is just a tactic to avoid retards cutting themselves - case in point he says keep fingers south of the butt and then runs the edge in the wrong direction.

I use a stone and start by roughing the edge at less than 45 degrees - what are you trying to achieve? Are you sharpening an axe? 20 degrees is more like it if you want a good edge for a knife, and if you want to shave with it do less than 15 degrees. the rule is that the less the angle the sharper the knife but the knife will lose it's edge quicker - logical, right?

I prefer to use a light mineral oil on my stone as veg oil goes rancid and gums up.

Hold the blade at the desired angle and use a semi circular rotating action with a count. with really blunt knives start at 20 each side and do 3 of 20, then do one of 19 per side, then one of 18, then one of 17 etc until you have reached a count that covers the length of the blade in minimum - a chefs 8" knife should be a five or a 3 count, a paring knife will be 2 at most.

When it feels deadly finish it with a steel - lightly though.
That Ramsey video is fucked, he's not sharpening the knife, he's using a steel to re-align the edge. It's honing not sharpening. The average "donkey' (as he would say) should get their high end cutlery professionally sharpened (most nice grocery stores or butchers do this for FREE), then you maintain the edge with a steel.
if you've never tried to sharpen before, you'll probably do it wrong and fuck up your edge.

So, here's what you do. Buy the spyderco sharpmaker. read the instructions, and you'll be able to sharpen at both a 35 and 45 degree angle.
the kabar shouldn't need a lot of attention. you may need the diamond sharpmaker stones unless you want to do it with a single stone
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