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Ill give you a couple bucks and report it on my taxes just to increasebthe chance you'll be audited
i pledge the platinum package 2 get early access to training missions with many platforms
I would donate the fuck out of a completely faithful HD remake of Tribes 1 or Tribes 2 Classic with ultra-smooth stylised graphics. In today's world of HD remakes you'd think this would be possible but does anybody care enough? Sceptical. :(
It's super simple. Tribes with better graphics + ship with Classic mod that is Tribes 2 content. That way we get both games with better graphics. I would pay $60 for that.
It's super simple. Tribes with better graphics + ship with Classic mod that is Tribes 2 content. That way we get both games with better graphics. I would pay $60 for that.
Great idea, I haven't even considered making the Tribes 2 stuff modular so everyone's happy.

This would be excellent and the market is very kind to nostalgic HD remakes right now, although Hi-Rez's recent work may have compromised the 'oh man it'd be so great if they brought that old game back' factor that would help get plenty of backers.

Also, if the PR for the Kickstarter were handled well it'd be a very good way of gauging whether or not the demand is there in the first place.

Someone who actually knows what they're doing should try and get in touch with the Tribes veterans who could make this happen, like that Dynamix dude who was interviewed recently. They could even call it Tirbes to avoid copyright issues if they can't get the IP back.
I genuinely had a dream last week that we did this but that it was called "The Olympid" and it had a hilarious CotP intro with lots of veiled HiRez abuse.

Let's make it happen, I'll pledge.
I used to have dreams about computer games all the time. Especially Tribes. I was like practicing in my sleep. Which is why i am so much better than everyone.
Yeah I often dream about something if I've been doing a lot of it. At one time I was playing so much Tribes and then going to college the next day without sleeping that I could barely discern the line between reality and generator raping. Also I had some spontaneous Half-Life 2-related dreams some years ago.
ya u have game dreams often if u become addicted. only time when i was really addicted was with runescape. i used to sit in the bed every night in half-dream thinking i was playing it. i even moved my arms around like im holding mouse & keyboard
yeah, a modular type game would be great..

too bad it will never happen. HiRez have no ability to do it and they own the IP. I believe the only way it could ever happen properly is if the original Tribes team did it (Cornboy, Mark F, Rick O, Tim Gift, etc)