Kerry or Gore

Top Gun

Veteran X
Who would/will make a better president and presidential nominee? Kerry obviously struggles with finding his own idendity and gaining leadership while Gore struggled to get out of the shadow of Clinton and form his own views and opinions and not become a carbon copy.
Gore could be a good president if he listened to that critics after 9/11 who said he wouldn't have acted the way that we did in Afghanistan.
I say we ammend the constitution (again) and remove the line that says you can only have two terms and then bring Clinton back.
Yoda said:
Better than Bush or Kerry

sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something. as long as "doing something" is what Bush does ;)
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what a horrible question

im forced to say kerry simply because gore has gone completely insane while kerry is still in that lying politician but doesnt quite want to go on a rampage stage.
Khushi said:
sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something. as long as "doing something" is what Bush does ;)

Some of the best presidents are the ones who keep the peace after the war, etc. Settle the country in with inaction as opposed to warring, making bold new policies, etc.
ya... i think his only action that i supported was going after bin laden. but not necessarily the way it was handled.

and i consider myself conservative/independent