Justice League: The Snyder Cut

I think the inevitable comparison between the snyder cut and the theatrical cut will cause people to look at it in a positive light
Doubt it. 4 years of negative sentiment ain't gonna be erased by a repackaging. Doesn't help that Marvel has given them a 20+ movie roadmap that they can't seem to follow at all as they keep churning out inconsistent trash.
I think i have the same opinion as most do with regard to snyder:
he's really good with visuals, but his story telling and characters are terrible.

I think i'll be entertained.
It's now "in stores" lads

EDIT - eh, the audio stream is too loud. so it distorts when reaching it's highest volumes. wait for tomorrow's proper release if that's important to you.
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Got Haggis is consistently wrong on this kind of thing so I'm tempted to be mildly optimistic about its potential, just based on that.
if you set your playback to 16:9 you won't miss out on much.
apparently 4:3 is IMAX format, and snyder said he likes it that way.

But I honestly think he got to the end of post-production and realized "oh shit my session has been set to 4:3 this whole time... err.... i'll say it's more epic because it's IMAX"
Most critics seem to like it despite not touting that it's "anything great." It's just better than the cinema version.