John Mccain pals around with terrorists

I heard McCain hung out with Communist Vietcongs for 5 years of his life.
12 of the 20 threads on page 1 are about obama/mccain/palin

why not make a thread about biden to round it out a little
Look I'm gonna vote for Obama. The facts are Obama is younger and hipper, he has the support of Hollywood, Mccain is way older and walks funny. And I'll be honest I dont want to be labeled a racist if I vote against Obama, especially if I wanna be apart of that whole "college crowd".

Mccain doesnt add up for me. Whos with me?
I heard McCain hung out with Communist Vietcongs for 5 years of his life.

Mccain hung out with & aided the Vietcong.

Even when asked to go home to america :)flag:), Mccain opted to stay with them & to share information.

 i feel a little dirty, but only a little 
The Palins' un-American activities | Salon


Oct. 7, 2008 | "My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."

This was former revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers back in his old Weather Underground days, right? Imagine what Sarah Palin is going to do with this incendiary quote as she tears into Barack Obama this week.

Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that's the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. ("Keep up the good work," Palin told AIP members. "And God bless you.")


edit: ouch. Palin also attended several of their conventions... so it's not just her husband...
The Palins' un-American activities | Salon


Oct. 7, 2008 | "My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."

This was former revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers back in his old Weather Underground days, right? Imagine what Sarah Palin is going to do with this incendiary quote as she tears into Barack Obama this week.

Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that's the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. ("Keep up the good work," Palin told AIP members. "And God bless you.")


edit: ouch. Palin also attended several of their conventions... so it's not just her husband...

There is a diffrence between speaking your mind and planting bombs or giving money to those who would plant bombs.

You have proof that Palin is known to associate with those who would do more than speak their minds?
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So Ayers is a radical hippy liberal who was connected with planting bombs?

Clearly, these conservatives don't know hippies.

They make bongs, not bombs, man.