jews did wtc

I'm hoping this turns into a "The jews flew a plane into the pentagon" vs "It was a missle that hit the pentagon" between you and jugs.
eyecu said:


- ~4000 Jew WTC employees were absent from work on 9/11/2001
- only 5 of the estimated 3000 victims killed in the attack were Jews
- suspected Zionist sympathizer George W. Bush erroneously claimed on 9/20/2001 that the Jew death toll was 130
- the Jew-controlled Cable News Network showed out-of-context video footage of cheering Palestinians following the WTC attacks
- 5 Jews were arrested by the FBI four hours after the WTC attack and said to have been caught videotaping the disaster from the roof of their company's building while crying out in joy and mockery
- Former Jew prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when asked what the attacks meant for relations between the US and the Zionist state replied, “It's very good.” and then edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.”

I hope you and Ben Claussen are very happy togther in Hell, if not Matt Hale has a nice cell you and him and bubba can share, you montstrous asshole.
Have a nice day.
my girlfriend makes unsubstanciated claims every time we fight. These are nothing but unsubstanciated claims.
bonepuppet said:
those fucking jews
Obligatory. :lol:

samUwell said:
"Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks." CNN also reported this but added that "Alex Diamandis, vice president for sales and marketing with Odigo Inc., said there was nothing specifically about the attacks in the message, but he said it was suspicious in nature, especially because of its timing." The Israeli newspaper Haaretz also published reports regarding these warnings.

Link? betcha its BS. THERE IS NO FUKN way the Jews did this one. Arab Job ALL THE WAY. FFS Bin Ladenshit admitted it. These hate/conspiracy dudes just end up creating false dichotomies - which ends up making any sincere criticism of Israel look bad, or too easily labelled an anti-Semite.

- the Jew-controlled Cable News Network showed out-of-context video footage of cheering Palestinians following the WTC attacks
No. That was actual footage, and I can't blame the Pals one bit.

- 5 Jews were arrested by the FBI four hours after the WTC attack and said to have been caught videotaping the disaster from the roof of their company's building while crying out in joy and mockery
They were FULLY investigated by the FBI/CIA and found to be NOT GUILTY. They were found to be illegally working in the US and soon deported.

- Former Jew prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when asked what the attacks meant for relations between the US and the Zionist state replied, “It's very good.” and then edited himself: “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.”
True, but like the Pal response above, quite expectable.

FFS I've heard this so many times I am starting to wonder. would like some clarification on:
- ~4000 Jew WTC employees were absent from work on 9/11/2001
- only 5 of the estimated 3000 victims killed in the attack were Jews

So many lies have a kernel of truth to them. That's what makes it so hard to completely dismiss them. Then these "tiny truths" coagulate together and form a big blog of something. :lol:
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MR Dice said:
Obligatory. :lol:

Link? betcha its BS. THERE IS NO FUKN way the Jews did this one. Arab Job ALL THE WAY. FFS Bin Ladenshit admitted it. These hate/conspiracy dudes just end up creating false dichotomies - which ends up making any sincere criticism of Israel look bad, or too easily labelled an anti-Semite.

No. That was actual footage, and I can't blame the Pals one bit.

They were FULLY investigated by the FBI/CIA and found to be NOT GUILTY. They were found to be illegally working in the US and soon deported.

True, but like the Pal response above, quite expectable.

FFS I've heard this so many times I am starting to wonder. would like some clarification on:

So many lies have a kernel of truth to them. That's what makes it so hard to completely dismiss them. Then these "tiny truths" coagulate together and form a big blog of something. :lol:

yes. Concerning the 4000 number, it is an actual number taken out of context lol. It was said by some israili government official that said that he knew of 4000 people who called NYC becuase they had family in the area. Whoever turned it into the other stuff is a fucktard.
Yea, I thought there was a simple explanation.

Glad to see we put this one to sleep.

Now if the thread was about Jews ownin' the media, then we'd have a solid base to develope a conspiracy theory. :no: