ITT: Talking shit about AMD

a 20% loss to be only 45% faster than anything AMD has ever conceived of LOL

god damn that sucks for GAYMD
It's so old, it isn't worth turning on any way. Not old enough to belong in a museum though.
Ok. When you push the button, does it power cycle at all? Do the fans spin for a second or nah?

First thing I would do is try booting it up using a different power supply.
Ok. When you push the button, does it power cycle at all? Do the fans spin for a second or nah?

First thing I would do is try booting it up using a different power supply.

i think i put a 4200 or 4600 in there a while back

maybe the new amd isn't as good as the old
If you didn't clear the cmos first, yes. It would try and boot at frequency/timings the new ram isn't capable of maintaining and just power on without booting then shut off. Modern motherboards should keep looping on and off if left alone until it figures out something is wrong and automatically loads the fail-safe defaults. If not, pull the cmos battery out and plug it back in after about 15 seconds.

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