It's Yanny you freaks

My ears don't like high frequencies so although I can hear both, my brain wants it to be Laurel so that's what stands out more.

Also this shit is right up there with eating tide pods
Reminds me of the dress. I only saw gold. On this I can't even begin to hear laurel. All I hear is yanny.

Interesting when you start to wonder about our perception of a lot of things. How different can your version be from mine? What does that say about the true state of the things we observe differently?

or it's just a stupid internet thing..
Yanny was a good friend of mine. He took the E train downtown, and worked in a hotel, spent his holidays out on the southern shore, his life was anything but more. Than workin' a nine to five, and keepin' his kids alive, and punching his clock every day, because of a rent he had to pay. Billy Joel song right there.

"Oh Yanny boy, where do your dreams go, at night, I still don't know. You plowed that sidewalk for thirty years, perhaps in that ice can be found your tears. Oh Yanny boy."
every1 knows this is a gov psyop to determine which frequency your brain is tuned into so they can control you

i respectfully decline to answer
that's all i hear as well. nothing sounding even close to yanny. :shrug:

i bet the ones that hear yanny are autists

old man alert

The difference seems to arise because the voice that says "Laurel" is deeper than the one that says "Yanny". So people will be predisposed to hearing one or the other, for a variety of reasons.

Younger people, for instance, are generally better at hearing higher sounds. So younger people will be more likely to hear the Yanny voice.

It's yanny

Edit, check out the 2 recordings on this page. Pretty cool
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Fill frequency sound system vs. whooptie sound system. Amazingly, many people are unable to hear something that their speakers do not push.
I used to get annual hearing checks for work so I looked up my last one in 2014 and I was only at 4% hearing loss.. pretty unusual considering the environments I was in. I was always good with wearing PPE though. Why lose a sense for work? Fuck that