It's pretty obvious Bernie ain't gonna win. So, Hillary vs Trump.

A Trump Presidency mean this as First Lady


You guys can vote for anyone you want, but please be sure to cast your vote to empower a completely psychotic asshole because they are on television.

It's completely idiotic to consider actually voting for someone with quality of character that would bring positive changes to this world, because they have no chance of winning and that's throwing away your vote. It's much better to choose between dog shit mold and molten anus glue.

Lettuce all allow the media to force us to choose between the two presented candidates of Ass Centaur and Donkey Balls-a-tron, because we are powerless, helpless, brainless sheep, that love being controlled and told what to do. And let's just admit it, we deserve what we'll get.

Fuck all of you Americans that are even considering voting for Trump or Hillary. You are the dumbest fuckers on the planet and all of you should be taken out and flogged in the anus until you defecate purple blood and are forced to eat cheetohs and watch cartoons for 5 months to recover.

Fuck you. Seriously.

Better yet, let's just actually vote for one of these two and just start the mother fucking apocalypse.

Avril Lavigne's head is going to appear out of blood and spit giant swarms of bees at all your families. And when you ask why, just remember, you couldn't will yourself to select anyone that wasn't demonic by nature.
That's fine, but how anyone can look at trump OR HILLARY and the words that come out of their mouths and think they give two flying fucks about the people voting for them is beyond my comprehension.


and you're a fucking moron, h4rdcuck
If Hillary and Trump are the choices. I'm voting Trump. At some point the bitch will be too old to run for president. In four more years she'll be 72 at the next election cycle and Her age is already showing signs on the campaign trail this year with her coughing spells.
You guys can vote for anyone you want, but please be sure to cast your vote to empower a completely psychotic asshole because they are on television.

It's completely idiotic to consider actually voting for someone with quality of character that would bring positive changes to this world, because they have no chance of winning and that's throwing away your vote. It's much better to choose between dog shit mold and molten anus glue.

Lettuce all allow the media to force us to choose between the two presented candidates of Ass Centaur and Donkey Balls-a-tron, because we are powerless, helpless, brainless sheep, that love being controlled and told what to do. And let's just admit it, we deserve what we'll get.

Fuck all of you Americans that are even considering voting for Trump or Hillary. You are the dumbest fuckers on the planet and all of you should be taken out and flogged in the anus until you defecate purple blood and are forced to eat cheetohs and watch cartoons for 5 months to recover.

Fuck you. Seriously.

Better yet, let's just actually vote for one of these two and just start the mother fucking apocalypse.

Avril Lavigne's head is going to appear out of blood and spit giant swarms of bees at all your families. And when you ask why, just remember, you couldn't will yourself to select anyone that wasn't demonic by nature.

Don't you live in Japan or some shit? Isn't N. Korea shooting missiles your way? Don't you have more to worry about?
hardluck owning the fuck out of this thread

i find the logic 'i would never vote for hillary so i'll vote for a blond berlusconi' crazy
Don't you live in Japan or some shit? Isn't N. Korea shooting missiles your way? Don't you have more to worry about?

Did the truth of my post cause your balls to sizzle with discomfort?

Why are you discussing who I am as an individual? I'm completely insignificant.

I'm simply pointing out the truth that you have the power to choose whoever you want and you should choose someone worthwhile.

This shouldn't bother you unless you were seriously stupid enough to consider voting for one of the two abysmally disgusting individuals being featured on TV.

You are wasting your time worrying about who I am or what I'm doing.

You should instead worry about yourself, your family, your friends, and your country.

You should tell everyone that you know that they are sick disgusting fucked up individuals for even considering voting for anyone like Trump or Hillary. And that's the truth.

Our country deserves a great person to be in charge. Don't piss all of yourself and humiliate you and everyone else around you by making the wrong decision.

I'm not insulting you because you haven't voted for anyone in 2016 yet. Just vote for a quality human.
Did the truth of my post cause your balls to sizzle with discomfort?

Why are you discussing who I am as an individual? I'm completely insignificant.

I'm simply pointing out the truth that you have the power to choose whoever you want and you should choose someone worthwhile.

This shouldn't bother you unless you were seriously stupid enough to consider voting for one of the two abysmally disgusting individuals being featured on TV.

You are wasting your time worrying about who I am or what I'm doing.

You should instead worry about yourself, your family, your friends, and your country.

You should tell everyone that you know that they are sick disgusting fucked up individuals for even considering voting for anyone like Trump or Hillary. And that's the truth.

Our country deserves a great person to be in charge. Don't piss all of yourself and humiliate you and everyone else around you by making the wrong decision.

I'm not insulting you because you haven't voted for anyone in 2016 yet. Just vote for a quality human.

I'm just curious why someone in Japan or Asia is so worried about the US elections when they have a REAL maniac shooting missiles at them?
A vote for Trump is a vote for electrolytes which is what we crave right now.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Zaphod Beeblebrox who is infinitely better than anyone else at the moment.

DC needs to be distracted so that we can just get on with our business.

Hopefully we can send a message to quit fucking around with shit we don't give a fuck about and have the politicians focus on the things we want for awhile.

Meaning - safer borders, quit allowing illegals, get rid of common core, stop spending ass-tons of our taxes on stupid shit, stay out of our pockets, quit making laws that hinder business, stay away from good citizens guns, stay out of our private info, punish criminals and enforce existing law before making more, proper health care for our vets, - basic shit like that
I'm just curious why someone in Japan or Asia is so worried about the US elections when they have a REAL maniac shooting missiles at them?

The American elections effect the whole world.

Also I'm an American citizen and I will be voting.

I am not worried about anything. I do not trouble myself with stuff that most people do.

I'm just giving out free information about how to improve the planet.
what's wrong with common core? i've yet to see anyone present any evidence of any problem with it. everything i've been shown as some kind of proof of a problem has actually been proof that the person presenting it is too stupid to understand or comprehend something intended for children.
That's fine, but how anyone can look at trump and the words that come out of his mouth and think he gives two flying fucks about the people voting for him is beyond my comprehension.

He's always been about himself. Disgustingly so. Even on stage he loves himself. He can't get enough of himself. He has no care for the common man. He care about being president and riding it in on "policies" that are absurd.

I feel like i can replace Trump with Hillary in this and it would still be true.

This election is the worst on record, it's terrible. I'd vote for Bernie for the simple fact he might actually do a few things that wouldn't cause the country to burn.