Israel unleashes hell... Now in Lebanon!

A quote from CNN's article on the matter:

"If the soldiers are not returned we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years," Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz to Israeli Channel 10.
Oh, good. Mr Dice made it to this thread. I was getting worried after not seeing his name on the first page.
"If the soldiers are not returned we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years," Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz to Israeli Channel 10.
Daylight Israeli Savings Time [DIST]
Some of us need moe inspiration:

Pray wif me now:

Jesus halp save teh Jews
When we steal land,
isn't it your demand?
Jesus we are your crew

You know we do your will,
from the lowest valleys
to the highest hills,
and in every alley!
Jesus halp save teh Jews!

Ok so it was a shitty poem. I wasn't expecting to have to dish out so much inspiration on such short notice.

Hey TseTse do you think the media will mention:
TseTse said:
[...] military(sic) trained religious fanatic settlers living on STOLEN lands and carrying uzis.

Well ? :brows:
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Data said:
Oh, good. Mr Dice made it to this thread. I was getting worried after not seeing his name on the first page.
I slept only 3 hours just so I could be on page 2. :)


Yes I mean Yarweh!1!!

Praise be to Yarweh! Halp save teh Jews Yarweh! Halp halp halp
sounds like israel got tired and was just looking for an excuse to go invade these places. this is their 9/11
TseTse said:

Seems most of the people on this thread dont really 'get' lebanon...

Lebanon itself is an ally. There are, however, large areas on the border with israel that are entirely in the hands of hezbollah, shiite radicals and even some al qaeda spots.

Just look at the recent story about the NYC plot that was stopped (by lebanese officials) and you'll see it was centered on a young wealthy lebanese jetset playboy who had recently gotten al qaeda training in hezbollah areas. However, al qaeda and hezbollah are not exactly friends either, and there have been some high level assasinations between the two camps.

The point is... nobody fuckin controls these areas on the border and you damn-well dont want to visit that part of lebanon. The big issue here tho is if Hezbollah will really get into extended conflict and thus spiral Lebanese politics into tension.

On the other end... you have christians, jews, muslims and various other types of folks all living very peacefully in what is a rather moderate nation.

If you are a news junky, check out the Daily Star from Lebanon

Moderate news source for an interesting perspective on middle east stuff.

Most importantly... lebanese have some of the fuckin hottest chicks on earth, and tend to mix with various people around the planet to give us some of the hottest supermodels and celebrities (i think both salma hayek and shikira are both half-lebanese)

I saw a dateline (I think) piece on Lebanon. it was interesting for a middle east country they seemd to be trying hard to get on of the sterotypical mold of that region and do some good things.
MR Dice said:
Yea they too want to get their land back.

It's not their land, but if you insist it is, then I ask this, where do you draw the line of original ownership at?
Was the people who lived there in 1920? 1820? 1720? 1620? How about 20 AD
or 600 AD.
If you are going to say give it to "so and so" because they used to live there, then you have to go all the way back to when that piece of land was orginally settled and just about every historical document traces it back to................................. THE JEWS
Xcursion said:
Seems like Israel doesn't care about pissing everyone else off in the Middle East. One of these days they will piss off the wrong people and everyone else will unleash hell upon Israel.
Yeah, thats happened a few times and Isreal rocked the living shit out of their attackers. Pound for pound there is no military as dangerous as Isreal's.

TseTse said:
another thing to keep in mind when reading reports on lebanon/israeli conflict... is that a lot of "israeli civilians" injured in skirmishes with hezbollah are not fuckin real civilians but instead military trained religious fanatic settlers living on contested lands and carrying uzis.
Uh, all civilians over 18 in Isreal are military trained, they have mandatory military service dont they?
I think Dice needs to give his land back to the Native Americans since he seems so concerned about who lived where first.
the kikes are just willing to rule with an ironfist.. unlike other counties who, despite having aircraft carriers and airplanes and missiles, dont do jack shit apart from talk big... keep on talking with your dicks in your mouths fuckers!
r1cko said:
the kikes are just willing to rule with an ironfist.. unlike other counties who, despite having aircraft carriers and airplanes and missiles, dont do jack shit apart from talk big... keep on talking with your dicks in your mouths fuckers!
As opposed to countries that used to rule the world but now dont even have a single real aircraft carrier.
Xcursion said:
Seems like Israel doesn't care about pissing everyone else off in the Middle East. One of these days they will piss off the wrong people and everyone else will unleash hell upon Israel.

Yea, they tried that once and Isreal kicked their ass. Thats why they have the Gaza strip and the Golon Heights
TseTse said:
another thing to keep in mind when reading reports on lebanon/israeli conflict... is that a lot of "israeli civilians" injured in skirmishes with hezbollah are not fuckin real civilians but instead military trained religious fanatic settlers living on contested lands and carrying uzis.
Sounds like David Koresh...he was a civilian, no?
juzfugen said:
It's not their land, but if you insist it is, then I ask this, where do you draw the line of original ownership at?
Was the people who lived there in 1920? 1820? 1720? 1620? How about 20 AD
or 600 AD.
If you are going to say give it to "so and so" because they used to live there, then you have to go all the way back to when that piece of land was orginally settled and just about every historical document traces it back to................................. THE JEWS
Until the 1967 war the land was always Arab, there were only a few Jews in the Shebaa Farms area.

Look, the fact is that the Jews were PROBABLY always a minority in the Palestine. :shock: I base that on the fact that the Jews only had their own government for 100 of the previous 3500 years (pre-1947). Go to Israel's daily newsmagazine "Israel Insider". It's an ultranationalistic Israeli site, really can't complain about the authority of this info.

And click on Ancient maps. Wow. Jewish Kingdoms only existed about 100 years.

More info about the occupied Shebaa farms area: (occupied TseTse due to the inadmissability of land gains due to war, the 1967 war which Israel purposefully started :shock: you know I am right about this.)

Seems the UN and the world community sides with Israeli claims on this. Still until recently there were very few Jews in this specific area. The poorly drawn French maps say the land was Syrian, yet the inhabitants payed taxed to Lebanon and REGARD THEMSELVES AS LEBANESE. Then the Syrians enforced their will on the area. Seems like the locals got fucked over again. :hrm:


Shouldn't we respect teh rights of indigeneous peoples? :)

Do we need another prayer now? :brows: Just let me know, I can dig deeper for some inspiration. :boogie:
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spoils of war, that pretty much describes all current national borders. You'd think that teach those idiot towelheads a lesson about attacking a stronger country