Is 2FA that bad?


Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
I mean cutting down on spam joining is the primary reason so I am for suggestions. Personally, it doesn't bother me because I have to do 2fa for fucking everything already.
Are people complaining about having to use it 12 times a year? I suppose you could just require it for new members and make it optional for vets, but I don't see why you'd need to.
So far, I've reset my PW twice, but it worked today w/o resetting. Even though I check 'stay logged in', I'm not staying logged in. When I do log back in, I have to get an email confirmation number.. I guess that's the 2FA stuff. Takes a few more steps but if that's what's necessary for a safe & effective TW, jabb me up. I can imagine there will be some bitching about this.
My work browser options are set via Group Policy to wipe all on browser close so I have to do it every single time I reboot, close a browser, etc. Kinda annoying. Would be easier if I could use my Yubikey.
i have to use microsoft authenticator so fucking much at work to do anything nowadays, every 30 days on here won't bother me a bit.
i have to use microsoft authenticator so fucking much at work to do anything nowadays, every 30 days on here won't bother me a bit.
yeh srsly everything i have a log in for needs it whats another fucking login at this point.
I can not generate an Authy code ... it keeps erroring out.

I have to use the email option for now.

Otherwise the 2FA itself, doesn't bother me.
just grandfather all the boomers in and make it optional for them they stop complaining, all new users and bots 2fa should be mandatory

ban all IPs from china, india, SE asia, and africa from registering while your at it, lets be real no one legit is registering from those countries to read maga politics unless its a scam / bot