Irrational/Tribal Wars crew -- Tutorial for open beta?


Veteran X
Many of the new potential customers will obviously be judging the game when they get their hands on the beta. I hope there will be a tutorial (either in-game on on the website) that allows all the new players to learn the game without jumping in and getting frustrated (Even though T:V has a smaller learning curve in the beginning, it's important to not underestimate these people).

Obviously a readme.txt won't be enough since it doesn't include pretty pictures (and no one opens them anyway). So if you won't have a tutorial or online manual, I'll gladly make one. Any TW guys want to help out?
According to that Gamespy review on the SP campaign, I think the first few maps would teach newcomers the very basics (jetting, skiing, weapon familiarization) and might also get them interested enough in the story that they actually buy the game. As it has been said countless times, not introducing these basics will result in the newbies turning away from the game (and probably telling their friends to do so as well)
Amadeu5 said:
According to that Gamespy review on the SP campaign, I think the first few maps would teach newcomers the very basics (jetting, skiing, weapon familiarization) and might also get them interested enough in the story that they actually buy the game. As it has been said countless times, not introducing these basics will result in the newbies turning away from the game (and probably telling their friends to do so as well)

Yeah I wouldn't mind getting a taste of the SP campaign but I'm pretty sure Irrational said they're released a SP demo. Eh, guess we'll just wait and see. Those first few "training" missions would definately be helpful in open beta though.
1. They're probably not cheating.

2. Play more than a week before quitting.

3. Download demos.

4. Ask questions in game and not on Tribalwar.

Fool said:
1. They're probably not cheating.

2. Play more than a week before quitting.

3. Download demos.

4. Ask questions in game and not on Tribalwar.


Well concerning #4, most people in online FPS are unwilling to help newbies out. People will sooner laugh at you than help you out.
Yeah, if you search for Tribes Vengeance on Google:
#1 - Product Page
#2 - TW
#3 - Official site

They'll end up here before they even get to the official site :p
Well I knew it would show up on google, but will these people be patient enough to do that? Hell, the majority of people on message boards complain if you give them a link without hotlinking it. :p
If they're that impatient, Screw em... we've enough of that type here already.

We need more of the "I'm smart enough to look at Google for a subject I'm interested in..." type...
taoofjord said:
Well concerning #4, most people in online FPS are unwilling to help newbies out. People will sooner laugh at you than help you out.

actually, I'd argue that's not entirely true. At the beginning of both T1 and T2 people were very helpful and willing to teach people that didn't know the mortar trail from the TL...unfortunately once most people mastered the basics, it became tedious to revisit them and impart them upon the newer players. The more time passed, the greater the effect, resulting in the 'elitist' sheen garnered by the veteran community. The problem is that there's so much to learn in tribes that it doesn't take very long before people don't want to go back to teach something they know when there's still so much for them to learn. :shrug:

I guess my point is that at the beginning of T:V we will probably see a return, however brief, of the 'helpful vet'. At least, I intend to stay interested in helping people as long as I can.