Iranian Women Defy Islamic Dress Code as Anti-Government Protests Sweep Nation

The problem wasn't putting boots on the ground, the problem was not putting enough boots on the ground. The first gulf war we had 700,000 U.S. troops involved in less than 6 months.

Yeah and the outcome of that really worked out well didn't it
Why risk any warm blooded American lives? Just nuke Iran. Nothing in that land but savage terrorist muzzies and sand anyways
Or you know, by recognizing that the extremists are a tiny minority, and encouraging the non-extremists to stand up for themselves and change the world around them to be less shit.

But fuck progress when we have superior firepower, right?
UGH!! You are such a Baizuo.

*edit - i think it was smiling canadian that stated: Whats the difference between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim? An extremist Muslim will kill you at any given chance while a moderate Muslim hopes an extremist Muslim kills you for him.
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Yeah, you're going to get 'non-extremists' to stand up for themselves against their religious brethren. About like you would get a sibling to 'stand up' against a loudmouth brother.

Never going to happen.
Right, like how the protests this thread is about never happened.
Right, like how the protests this thread is about never happened.

Awesome...and they've only taken about 60 years to get back to where they were as far as women's dress. And in another couple days when these protests get squashed, they'll still be wearing burqas

iran 60 years ago




Iran before the revolution shows a stunning contrast | Daily Mail Online

please read about iranian revolution in 1979 please
did we at least solve the unibrow crisis by ruining their country? from the wiki

During the Qajar dynasty in Iran (1785-1925), connected brows were considered beautiful. Persian poetry lauded the abrou-ye peyvasteh or "continuous eyebrow", in men and women alike. It was compared to cupid's bow, tensed and ready to fire its dart. The classic shape – a beautiful inverted ogee – can be seen in courtly miniatures and royal portraits [citation needed].
Why risk any warm blooded American lives? Just nuke Iran. Nothing in that land but savage terrorist muzzies and sand anyways
Leave it to the simpleton here in TW to believe that all Iranians are terrorists etc.

The Jewnews narratives - why do you knuckleheads still fall for the same bs time and time again? jfc will you dumbfucks wake up and smell the kikes?

How many times can you dumbfucks be fooled until you realize youre being fooled?
Love how these threads always separate and expose the true conservatives and Constitutionalists like myself with the shitbag neo-con kike-dick-suckers who align themselves with Republicans.
We actually can't tell the difference
Well that's because you're a simpleton. :shrug:

I can tell the difference between you Leftists here. You're an example of the extreme, along with a slew of others, but there are more mild variants that are more grounded. It's just easier to call you all Leftists, because all of you support more government (as long as it fits your worldview).

p.s. It's so weird that you edited out the "and Constitutionalists" part.
This is what you clearly said.

Love how these threads always separate and expose the true conservatives and Constitutionalists like myself with the shitbag neo-con kike-dick-suckers who align themselves with Republicans.
That means "here." Learn to read.

And, I left out the Constitutionalist part because you don't respect the Constitution with your views/agenda.
:rofl: What a nonsensical statement. Not that it's some sort of dick-measuring contest, but there are not many people here who are literal as I am with it. You're an idiot.