iPhone Unlocked..

"That's exactly, like, what I don't want," Hotz said. "I don't want people making money off this."

He said he wished he could make the instructions simpler, so users could modify the phones themselves.

I wouldn't mind an iphone. I bought an ipod video 80gig for work (I write documents all day so i can listen to music) and paid what... 400 bucks plus canadian?

Best media player i've ever had. Sound is very healthy and the battery is OK. I watch Video's on it too, when i'm stuck.

It's also my stereo for the house. I just plug speakers in and it sounds like it's a real stereo and not an mp3 player.

If the iPhone does all that plus offers the things my cellphone does (I use facebook, msn live and google on my cellphone) then why would I bother buying another cellphone or media player when i can replace the two with the one?

Ohya, I also read e-books on my ipod.

The price is comparible. The problem is the carrier. Rogers offers very limited data plans. Bell Canada gives me unlimited internet as part of a 'fun' bundle for 20 bucks extra a month (300 text/pic msgs, unlimited browser, voice mail and call display for 20 bucks monthly)
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The battery thing has been blown way out of proportion. You hear claims that the battery is only good for 300 charges. Not true. It's 300 CYCLES and then the capacity is reduced to 80%. So the actual life of the battery is still up in the air.

I like my iPhone, I can check my web cameras from anywhere, even the turnpike driving home. I was stuck in the post office yesterday, so I pulled up TW and was looking at a few threads. You bashers don't know what you're missing, and most of you don't even have the phone. Good message forum is here.
iPhone - Mac Forums
Big deal. The phone will eventually be on the other networks anyway. Apple wouldn't limit themselves to 1/4 of the market for very long.
What are you talking about? No features. Show me another phone where you can touch the screen to make the text bigger and smaller as needed. It works. I can bring up a page, find the section I want, make it bigger, or shrink it instantly using two fingers (pinch). On any other phone, you have to use buttons to navigate around the screen.

It's like comparing all the knock offs to the iPod. They do the same thing, yet everyone still prefers the iPod, otherwise you'll see more threads about the Zune and Creative. So of coarse there's going to be people saying their phone can surf the web, and it only costs $30, but it's not the same thing.
What are you talking about? No features. Show me another phone where you can touch the screen to make the text bigger and smaller as needed. It works. I can bring up a page, find the section I want, make it bigger, or shrink it instantly using two fingers (pinch). On any other phone, you have to use buttons to navigate around the screen.

It's like comparing all the knock offs to the iPod. They do the same thing, yet everyone still prefers the iPod, otherwise you'll see more threads about the Zune and Creative. So of coarse there's going to be people saying their phone can surf the web, and it only costs $30, but it's not the same thing.

the funny thing is Windows Mobile has had all the features the shitty iPhone OS has, and has had them for hell of a lot longer.. oh yeah and Windows Mobile can sync with exchange server.. and has the ability to act as a wireless modem for a laptop or any computer.
the funny thing is Windows Mobile has had all the features the shitty iPhone OS has, and has had them for hell of a lot longer.. oh yeah and Windows Mobile can sync with exchange server.. and has the ability to act as a wireless modem for a laptop or any computer.

have you ever used windows mobile?

the iphone's os while limited right now totally kicks its ass.

and palm os blows both out the water.