Incubus Lose Dirk Lance...

PoorDoggy said:
Brandon specifically said they wanted Morning View to be a completely new vision for Incubus, because repeating the music they'd made in the past would kill the band.

aka the label said "move to the middle". not too harsh, not too mellow....ahhhhh the warm comfortable feeling of mediocrity!

guess it worked. i can't say i blame dirk for leaving.
PoorDoggy said:
Are you talking about Morning View? Brandon specifically said they wanted Morning View to be a completely new vision for Incubus, because repeating the music they'd made in the past would kill the band.

Everytime I saw Brandon talking about the new incubus, he said they were going back to their older sound. Instead he just sings about how he misses his girlfriend.

I liked SCIENCE and somewhat Make Yourself, but I just didnt bother listening after they released Morning View.
he prolly didnt quit roots for em..
prolly just goin play for both of em
Brandon does whine a lot on Morning View but there are still some good tunes.

The last track, Aqueous Transmission, is fucking dope.
Kendo said:
Everytime I saw Brandon talking about the new incubus, he said they were going back to their older sound. Instead he just sings about how he misses his girlfriend.

I liked SCIENCE and somewhat Make Yourself, but I just didnt bother listening after they released Morning View.

I don't know what interviews you were watching. On the band website, Brandon explains the entire process of making Morning View. The music was all created in a Malibu mansion with a view of the ocean, which they did in order to escape the confines of studio recording. Brandon wanted the band to move on from what they'd done in their earlier days and express the new vision of Incubus.

Morning View is certainly a new sound for the band, and it's not the kind of 'rock out' music that Make Yourself sports, nor does it carry the funk feel of S.C.I.E.N.C.E. or Fungus Amongus. I personally like the album and the soft, mellow sounds that it brings. I adore 'Echo' and think it is probably the band's most heartfelt 'love song'.

By the way...I do believe Dirk was canned, he didn't "leave".
GOOD maybe Inucubus will stop coming out with the gay lame ass new shit that they come out with now, fucking romantic crap that never ceases to be gay. It should turn back into what it used to be before they sold out to the fucking MTV bullshit.
i dont think the guy had to quit roots.

theres many musiciam who are in 2 or more bands (and even bass players like Flea)
Animo said:
GOOD maybe Inucubus will stop coming out with the gay lame ass new shit that they come out with now, fucking romantic crap that never ceases to be gay. It should turn back into what it used to be before they sold out to the fucking MTV bullshit.

Maybe one day you will grow up and realize that it is okay for some songs to have actual meaning.

I hate the "sold out" exression. ALL BANDS SELL OUT. It's part of being a band. Unless for some reason you want to play night clubs forever, your band WILL "sell out" to a record label, a TV station, whatever. Besides, what the hell does "sold out to MTV" even mean? Is it Incubus' fault their video and music got them on TRL or something like that? You fault them for their popularity? Make Yourself brought Incubus to MTV...was that "selling out"? Morning View was never supposed to be Make Yourself or S.C.I.E.N.C.E. or any other album - it was and is Morning View. One of the coolest things about Inbucus is their progression. You can go from rap to funk to rock in one or two CDs. They have shown over the years that they have the ability to be more than a one-style, one-hit-wonder type band. Playing the same music over and over will only cause people to give up on the band, because they've "heard" that album before they even listened to it.
PoorDoggy said:
Maybe one day you will grow up and realize that it is okay for some songs to have actual meaning..

Go listen to britney spears and nsync you fucking homosexual.
Incubus have hired ex-guitarist for the Roots Ben Kenney as their new bassist. Kenney will replace Dirk Lance, who was recently released from duty after 12 years with the band. In a press statement, frontman Brandon Boyd said the band decided to let Lance go after Incubus finished touring for Morning View. ...

1) it's an ex roots member
2) they let him go
3) incubus crossed the gay line a long time ago, and the lead singers always been gay, too bad he dragged the band with him
4) bass player was cool, i liked battlestar scratchlactica