I'm SlushieZ AMA

u are legitimately the only entertainment around here

I love you too.

I thought your GUI's and HUDs were the best since poop pack, and that's going back some years. I didn't even know who you were.

Anyway, A and I have been friends for a while; she's watched me botch several relationships; I've been in the Dadzone since I first met her.
And I used to care about your opin. . wait a second. No I didn't. Looking back on it now, I really didn't. Still don't.
if u didn't care u wouldn't keep responding

maybe u should ignore me to show me how much u don't care
Jesus, you should consider running ultras. Your stamina is amazing. I lost interest half an hour ago but am still posting cause it amuses A. I'm going to leave the thread to her, if that's okay with you. Unless famlial things go sideways I'll be back tomorrow morning, so no need to make 7 new threads about me, okay? Hang in there, I'll be back.
grown ass men holding grudges on a dead forum about a dead game played 20 years ago

this is why you get married and have kids..so you dont have time for this fkn nonsense when ur old.
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haha fucking creepy 56 year old vanster talking to 20 something year old "A" on facebook, and e-knighting for her in an AMA thread :rofl:

doesn't get any better than that, folks.