im drunk guys first macgyver drubk threwAD

macgyver would of found out a way to speed up the earths speed to fast forward the clock one year ahead to make her legal

this is the real macgyver

havent you seen the pics he posts of himself

he was just too drunk to be his usual creative self

alcohol changes people
oh shit i have some guinness in the fridge

time to drink it

ps - that last post makes me sound like I am referring to myself when I said "this is the real macgyver" when really it's supposed to sound more like "this is the real macgyver that you see posting in this thread" referring to macgyver the drunk poster
I like teh intneitional typoss to add crdeibilitty to yoru drunnkeness. Becauuse eveyrone know s that drunkk makkes you blinnd.
booty said:
I like teh intneitional typoss to add crdeibilitty to yoru drunnkeness. Becauuse eveyrone know s that drunkk makkes you blinnd.

no, but it does make you unsteady, and once you've mistyped, if youre drunk, chances are you probably won't correct yourself.
Somehow this seemed appropriate:


-Wren (drunk)
Beef Welington said:
no, but it does make you unsteady, and once you've mistyped, if youre drunk, chances are you probably won't correct yourself.
Bullseye! It's that you really don't care about fixing the typos. You might not necessarily make any more typos than normal, but you certainly won't fix them (at least some people).

How are you feeling this lovely morning, MacGyver?