im cael and i hate dogs

A testament to dogs and a clear dilemma. I can't remember where and I don't care if I get it 100% right but recently a guy with a gun ran unto some bushes. There where a few cops on scene.

They sent the dog in and the dog got shot twice. Once in the jaw and once in the chest I believe. The cops lost it and they all rushed this armed guy. The dog crawled back to the handler and they at some point closed a highway to land a life flight chopper to get this dog cared for. The dog lived.

Dilemma: The dogs are there to protect the officer's lives but the officers risked their lives for the dog.
buddy i don't need emotional support and unconditional love from a fucking animal, i'm a grown ass man
how many cuckservative tw posters are not working or usefel to society compared to the democucks/libs here

I'm at WORK it's 9am Tuesday gfg

might go get some food though. Bacon, or some kind of chocolate cookie/pastry? :hurry:

it's kind of warm here today to be eating bacon at 9am, but I gotta say I'm feeling it...
you don't post nearly as much as a KC. So I am thinking you are at least productive

a little

a little is about right...

I don't post heaps because other than 'lol @ you guys' what is there to say, really?

this isn't a discussion forum, it's more like a combination zoo/mental hospital for societal rejects and crazies Claude

Dogs are shit animals. And 'dog people' who treat their dumb animals like children are even worse.

Unlike parasite ridden cats, dogs actually serve a purpose. Dog will defend you and property no matter what. Cat won't give a fuck as long as someone feeds it. Leave and come home dog is happy as fuck to see you. Cat won't give a fuck as long as someone feeds it. Point being cats do not give 2 shits about their owners. Cats are in it for themselves. Whereas a dog is a pack animal who will play it's role in the pack. Unless you have a mouse problem a cat serves zero purpose to keep.

Yeah I'm one who treats my dog like a child. You have to. They have the intellect on par with a 2-3 year old human child. They are basically 4 legged toddlers who chase squirrels and pee on trees. Not my fault my dog lives better than the majority of the humans on this planet. It's the fault of the humans who suck at not living better than my dog.

Cats are for pussies. Dogs are for men. Deal with it and get treated for the Toxoplasmosis which has hijacked your mind.
Unlike parasite ridden cats, dogs actually serve a purpose. Dog will defend you and property no matter what. Cat won't give a fuck as long as someone feeds it. Leave and come home dog is happy as fuck to see you. Cat won't give a fuck as long as someone feeds it. Point being cats do not give 2 shits about their owners. Cats are in it for themselves. Whereas a dog is a pack animal who will play it's role in the pack. Unless you have a mouse problem a cat serves zero purpose to keep.

Yeah I'm one who treats my dog like a child. You have to. They have the intellect on par with a 2-3 year old human child. They are basically 4 legged toddlers who chase squirrels and pee on trees. Not my fault my dog lives better than the majority of the humans on this planet. It's the fault of the humans who suck at not living better than my dog.

Cats are for pussies. Dogs are for men. Deal with it and get treated for the Toxoplasmosis which has hijacked your mind.
Cats are fucking stupid too.

A guard dog that sleeps in it's own house outdoors is fine.

Dogs inside the house are nasty, especially big breeds.
I'm smarter than you are. It's ok and not just you. Most people are b.i.f.s

A guard dog that sleeps in it's own house outdoors is fine.

Dogs inside the house are nasty, especially big breeds.

I would love to get a big scary looking dog to live in the yard. Problem is we have real winters here. The -20 below variety of winter. Having dog outside in temps like that is flat out wrong and if I ever see a dog confined outside during such weather I will call police on owner for animal cruelty.

Not all dogs. For example. My dog is a bichon frise. He will only potty outside, and has real hair not fur. I prob shed more than he does because I have way longer hair than my Monster Doggy does.

I know what you mean tho. I have been over to people's places who have a big dog inside THEY DON'T CLEAN UP AFTER PROPERLY. Dog hair all over everything. Wet dog smell in their place all gross status. Lazy fucks who let their dog live in filth like they do. Fuck those types.
seems like the mother of your children and the state of Texas were smarter but you keep vibrating to those frequencies spicardo