I'm about to drop acid

So I wound up in the emergency room, unrelated to the acid, tripping at 2 AM and didn't fucking leave until 6 AM, was pretty gay.

I was laying in bed tripping out and watching TV and all of a sudden I felt a sharp intermittent pain in my left testicle, when I dropped my pants my left testicle was twice as high as my right one so I was like "fuuck".

I went to the hospital and had to get an ultrasound, there's just something so romantic about tripping in an emergency room at 3 AM with a guy rubbing nice warm ultrasound gel on your balls and feeling around with the machine.

It turned out to either be very mild torsion that fixed itself in the waiting room while I paced around in pain or an inflamed epididymis the PA said, I didn't even fucking see a doctor, only RN's, PAs and the ultra sound technician. But apparently he "reviewed" my ultrasound and urine results and I was good.

P.S. It's so fun sitting in an emergency room for 4 hours straight listening to a Münchausen Schizophrenic pace around every hour saying "I've been here for an hour and my hand is asleep, when will a doctor see me this is taking way too long.." He was saying this from 12 AM to 5 AM apparently according to someone in the waiting room, then finally he went home at like 5 AM because the doctors kept ignoring him every time he went up to the triage desk (which was every 15 minutes.)
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What do you mean? So if your left testicle was in sharp pain for over an hour you wouldn't go to the hospital?

Well I get what you mean, but you just sound like a retard. Maybe you'd be embarrassed to have your testicles looked at by a doctor, but I am proud of my 10 inch cock and 1 inch diameter balls, in fact my balls are so big I'm surprised they don't get tangled on themselves more often.
Why are you so angsty all the time Muktar? You should try an MAOI, I heard they work wonders for suicidal depression. I'd want to blow my brains out too if I had to hold a boom mic for a local news show every night while I appease my alcoholism between commercial breaks.