I'm about a week late on the 9/11 stuff

None of you conspiracy theorizing motherfuckers have ever worked in any field even mildly related to disaster response or architecture, so you can all just go fuck yourselves with your ignorance and armchair analyst stupidity.


P.S. – This isn't ad hominem due to lack of arguable facts, it's ad hominem due to knowledge that provable fact has little effect on the conspiratorially inclined and pursuing it just wastes the time of those who live in the real fucking world and make real fucking things happen that actually fucking mean something.
P.P.S. – OMG I apparently post like FNGR when I've been drinking. :o:

I guess the difference is that I sober up rather than passing out on my keyboard with my hand wrapped around the PBR-soaked dildo in my anus.
P.P.S. – OMG I apparently post like FNGR when I've been drinking. :o:

I guess the difference is that I sober up rather than passing out on my keyboard with my hand wrapped around the PBR-soaked dildo in my anus.
only because you dildo would be soaked in guinness instead
P.P.S. – OMG I apparently post like FNGR when I've been drinking. :o:

I guess the difference is that I sober up rather than passing out on my keyboard with my hand wrapped around the PBR-soaked dildo in my anus.

i only post drunk

we meet on tuesdays.

if they give you shit at the door the pass is "fngrpbrdildoanus"

im on the left
plus we all know jewcat orchestrated the whole thing.

the circumstances surrounding his death are a matter for another year, and another thread.
None of you conspiracy theorizing motherfuckers have ever worked in any field even mildly related to disaster response or architecture, so you can all just go fuck yourselves with your ignorance and armchair analyst stupidity.


P.S. – This isn't ad hominem due to lack of arguable facts, it's ad hominem due to knowledge that provable fact has little effect on the conspiratorially inclined and pursuing it just wastes the time of those who live in the real fucking world and make real fucking things happen that actually fucking mean something.

I work for a totally independent entity in a different country, and we do break downs and tow ins - disaster response on a small scale.

Being in the employ of the entity charged with the cover up does not immediately blemish anything you have to say, however considering your expertise is limited to driving smallish boats and taking large cocks I fail to see you as an authority on this matter at all.

I am still cooking and freezing chicken then eating it later, with impunity. Fuck you.

Kind regards,

i am on neither side but reading that as jewcat was pretty cool

just saying

now that i think about it jewcat might bring wisdom to other things

reconsidering antisemitism via cat

fucker just looks so goddamn pleased with himself
plus we all know jewcat orchestrated the whole thing.

the circumstances surrounding his death are a matter for another year, and another thread.

This is a whole lot more evidence than the conspiracy nuts have provided, so well done.
Logic dictates that the jews did 911, for many reasons. More than the Mossad were involved however, I think. This took a coordinated effort on all parts. And yes, many of each category were involved here.

All one really needs to put 911 together is some critical and logical thought.

Here are just a few of motives for murdering 3000 or so unsuspecting, innocent and trusting people that day, aside from their usual hatred of us that is, just off the top of my head:

1) 911 represented the next pearl harbor that G. War Bush and his henchmen were desperately seeking. The false pretext of terrorism allowed him to invade Iraq, albeit against popular opinion. Mission Accomplished. War for engaged.

2) Lucky Larry Silverstein had bought himself a real turd from the NYPA, as he soon discovered when he became landlord of the WTC complex. It was a white elephant, hideously expensive to maintain, loaded with asbestos and three decades old. Clean up or demolition were equally expensive. Better to simply insure against acts of terrorism (triple indemnity btw). Correct me if I'm wrong but Silverstein made billions upon impact...

3) Fear mongering is only used when a tyrant wishes to sieze power. No event could have generated more fear than 911. Once a good healthy dose of fear of the ragheads was instilled, it would be easy to begin to remove rights from a terrified nation,in exchange for the promise of increased security for all. I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping up with zionist media. Is it still legal for me to say things like that, or will G. War declare me an 'unlawful enemy combatant'? How's security along that southern border these days btw?

4) Rudy Jew-lie-ani. That pretty much says it all. He was to be the self styled hero of 911, possibly the next elected prez. The media were blow-jobbing him incessantly, whilst he stood atop a mountain of rubble and looked distraught. It is more likely he actually sat in bldg 7, and presided over the event, whilst the millions in gold stored there was transported out of the sub-basements. Many sensitive and embarrassing financial and government documents and records were also stored in bldg.7. It was completely destroyed along with both towers. Reduced to powder in less than ten seconds. The records and documents are lost.


It's like the inverse of the holy-cost. Where there were in reality never any jews holy-costed in Germany or anywhere else and so no jews were involved, with 911 so much evidence points to so much jew involvement, that to suggest anything otherwise would be akin to actually embracing the lunacy of the Second Biggest Lie of All Time, and going on a tour through one of its museums.

The Jews need to learn what the blacks learned a long time ago: their place in society is at the bottom.

*edit: not racist or anti-semitic
completely separate from the debate itself, ignoramus' on the official story side of things always say the most stupid shit