i'm a functional alcoholic

most high functioning alcoholics don't actually get drunk. Some could have 10 drinks a day, every day, and not even really get buzzed. That's where the disease part comes in. It is more than just a compulsion.
brother of roomate died yesterday from taking that drug and drinking, causing him to pass out, throw up, sufficate. dont take that drug.
First of all, good luck to you Rusty. I hope you're able to get yourself straightened out.

And I agree with samUwell. Functional anything (addict, alcoholic, mentally ill) just means you are able to function in society at a certain minimum level. Keeping a job, paying bills, maintaining relationships, grooming, etc. It doesn't mean you aren't an alcoholic or are less of an alcoholic or whatever.

Look at it this way: some of you basement dwellers don't have any of these issues but are barely what one would call functional...
my former addict buddies give me their suboxone strips

i take like a half mg

its like takin 3-4 vicodin but i have no desire to drink on it

its a weird drug but its great 4 noddin out watchin south park u kno
Thank god I replace drinking w/ smoking tree

Way cheaper and not going to make all of my internal organs give out
i think dubsack is saying that the alcoholic in question might be thinking he's functioning 'normally', but the people around this alcoholic might arrive at an entirely different perspective

Yep. I've known a lot of "functioning" alcoholics, pretty much everyone around each one of them knew they had a major problem. It is like watching a slow spiral to death.
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Nothing wrong with going to AA. People are warm and accepting and just want to see you get better. You don't have to do the 12 steps. Just keep going to the meetings at least once a week or until you're alcohol free and think you can trust yourself. I was embarrassed to go at first but now view it as a powerful tool for keeping your life together.

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tbh being an addict is not that bad, i would recommend finding a less deadly drug than alcohol (porn and video games are probably the safest bets) and finding a better way to work it into your life than fucking dumpster trips. you need to get your wife to be able to handle it or find a new one, preferably a pothead or someone who is chill

the whole quitting/aa model is shitty and you're just going to end up as a raging consumer whore motorcycle ponytail screams at his kids everyday weirdo. addiction is a genetic predilection, pretending it's not there is going to work as well as pretending you don't have diabetes.
AA has a 97% recidivism (failure) rate. If you want to quit drinking, find a program that works.

I hardly ever drink anymore. It's just not as fun as it used to be.
Am I the only one that just likes to enjoy a few glasses of scotch in the evenings? I don't drink to "have fun" or even get drunk really. Just enjoy the taste, and getting tipsy is side effect.

You guys just need to tone it down and quit acting like you're 17.
I always thought functioning is be able to essentially keep your shit together and drink when you can get away with it. My father was a drunk, lost wives, jobs, and everything else whereas my grandfather would come home from work and drink but got his shit done and lived a stable life.

I’ve always considered myself the latter. But if I’m on a binge I can easially do a pint a day. Now though I got a lot of shit going on so it’s back on the wagon for me. I did the whole AA thing when I was a teenager and hated it. No desire to do that shit again.

However, some of what they preach works, for example changing people, places, and things. Creating new routines has always played a major part when I know it’s time for a break.

I picked a BAD time to start brewing Applejack though.
I started drinking wine with dinner as a kid. I never had any crazy drunk binges where I did stupid stuff.

I drank a ton in my mid 20s. I think I have special genes for it because I would drink a lot, kill it at work, then go the gym right after. The drawback is that I was kind of tired all the time, but Im not sure how much of that was a hangover, or from being staying up late when drinking and just not getting enough sleep.

The pills seem like a weird idea. You need a hobby. Since you're so out of shape I'm guessing your routine is working at a computer....then driving home to be on a computer. If this is the case you need to change the habit of what you do after work.