ign insider?

Find some friends that want the service as well and split the cost with them. I share my username with like 8 other people, bringing the cost per person down to about $3.10 each. Even if you only find 4 other people, that's still only $5 each.

The way I think about it is I could either get GamePro or some other magazine with all this info about games and such for like $30-$50 a year that covers only the really popular stuff with text and images, or I could spend $3.10 on something that provides coverage of almost all games, on all platforms, with text, videos, and images. Furthermore, I can also get exclusive interviews/walkthroughs/whatever through this service. Yeah, it does suck that they started charging for IGN, but when you really think about it, it's so worth it if you're into gaming.
RiSe226 said:
what are you talking about? Suck Cock 1 was revolutionary for the industry!
soul caliber 1 was the most revolutionary fighting games ever. it changed the way of fighting games forever.
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i kept hearing about how good SC was so i borrowed it from a friend some years ago and i just didnt get it. I would MUCH rather play DOA3, Tekken, or any 2d fighter cause they all rock.