If you could do it all over again, which class would you pick?


Veteran XV
And why?

Haven't had a max level in WoW since I sold my 70 Shaman about a year ago, but I'm looking to get a new dude to 80 now. On my new account I've dabbled with a Paladin to 59, a DK to 65, and a few others to mid 30s. Just can't decide what I want to take to 80. I'm leaning toward rogue, warlock, and hunter, or just continuing to level my Paladin.

Knowing what you know now at 80 and the state of the game, would your class choice be different, and if so, how so?
Druid. They can do all three tasks and have numbers in check, unlike all the retadins running around making the rest of the paladins look incompetent and ultimately screwing with PUGs (who wants to do heroics with 2+ paladins anyway?)
If I were to go back to the start of WoW, I'd be a warrior. They had it the best for the longest period of time.

Come LK I could just switch to DK.
at the beginning of wow? shaman

they were pretty baller in the early days. especially when arcanite reaper and unstoppable force were popular
Honestly I stumbled onto the perfect class for my style, my main is a Mage and it's fucking win. I love my alt to, ret pally.

I think my least favorite high level toon is my DK :shrug:
at the beginning of wow? shaman

they were pretty baller in the early days. especially when arcanite reaper and unstoppable force were popular

yeah, probably the one thing that kept me playing was this hand of rag shaman video. Now that i leveled a shaman there are no 2 hander specs =[
Druid. Just for the simple fact that when you farm you can be in flight form shits stupid. Why can't I pay some form of gold in order for me to pick flowers from my mount.
I really love the mage playstyle, I have a 70 horde mage, just no guild and no push to level it.

I leveled a shaman to 80 but it's pretty queer, so I just heal.
I have high levels of all class except for rogue, shaman and mage...

I think if I were to start again, I would pick rogue and stick with it the entire time.
Ah, yes Pat PVP movies.

I'm still most "moved" by Tosan's rogue videos. They're just so damn entertaining.

I think I'm rolling a Warlock, Druid, or Rogue today - is there any main horde server now (stk still around?) or is TW all around?
pvping with pat was hilarious

he used to flask up when dying would take it away, and would go though a dozen games or so without losing the buff

hes also french so just listening to him in vent made the pvp grind not so hard

arthas was just a fucking awesome server in vanilla wow. so many people that are popular from videos came from there. pat, maydie, papashlapa, kishkumen (world of roguecraft), glorin, and probably more but i cant remember right now

One of Ming's 50 videos which I can't seem to find (she's camping the Zepp in GG)

check his rank 14 hemo video
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