If you bought Intel's $700 P4 3.8gHz

You have GOT to be shitting me!

bLiSS said:
My whole computer cost 700$.

* bLiSS dies
mine was only $450 but of course I only bought an AMD Athlon XP 3000+
Cost me $150(I went for the Barton Core and 400mHz FSB)

BUt what makes that p4 chips so expensive is that it has a 800mHz FSB and operates at 3.8gHz un-overclocked
Yes it's very OFN, and this is supposed to be the chip the ps3 or xbox2 will be using( can't remember which one.. ps probably).
I doubt Intel is losing any sleep over this.

Remember, a few years back, Transmeta was hailed as putting Intel out of business in mere months.
LogRoller said:
I spent $46.70 on my computer, and it runs at 196932GHz with seventy cores and outer space cooling.

Man, I hate when the wormhole falls off of the thermal transfer plasma interface.

I still haven't found my cat. :(
that is fucking retarded. Ok, thanks for this thread. So when ps3 comes out i will just open it up and put the cell onto my mobo.

besides, if they got the 3.8 ghz, they are fucking idiots for other reasons (aka amd64)
Dumpy Dooby said:
For less than $700, I can get myself two cpu-mobo combos that would EACH be comparible to a 6ghz setup. Dual-processor mobo with 2400+ Mobile Athlons each OC'd to be comparible to a 3200+ = teh muffuckin' shiz.

I'd really like to see how much this "Cell" is going to be.

so your two mobile 2400+s would equal a 6 gig p4 and comparable amg64? Bull-fucking- shit. I want to see some benchies of yours.
Rev_Night said:
so your two mobile 2400+s would equal a 6 gig p4 and comparable amg64? Bull-fucking- shit. I want to see some benchies of yours.

How manly you sound using the word benchies.
Titan Slanger said:
I doubt Intel is losing any sleep over this.

Remember, a few years back, Transmeta was hailed as putting Intel out of business in mere months.
Uh I don't remember any claims to that. Transmeta was supposed to revolutionize low power processing, ideal for laptops. Other than that... :shrug:
Intel and AMD are both going with multi core processors this year, cell will be OFN and outdated by the time it reaches consumers in a console.