If MMO's were like Angband...

Would you play an MMO where character death actually left your character dead? That is, screw up, start a new character?

I'd play that game.
It seems to me that a game decision like that is implemented knowing that it would limit fun. If thats the case, why would you play a game where fun isn't one of its core values?
They have that game already, it's called "Diablo II".

Hm. This is true to an extent. But I'd like to see people in one big world, not hundreds of separate ones.

And I guess I'd like at least a semblance of roleplay. I guess that's kind of a tall order.
So basically, you want the ability to murder other players in an MMO. Yeah, I can see that being fun.
Didn't they sort of do this in Starwars Galaxies with the Jedi characters? Didn't it just piss people off?
The first "MMO" I ever played was Island of Kesmai back in the 80s. It was possible to die a permanent death under some circumstances. For example, some lair critters like dragons would sometimes eat their kills, resulting in permenent death.

I once lost a character to the Kesmai dragon like that, losing about 50 hours of played time. It was made worse by the fact that the game was on CompuServe and you paid by the hour. It sucked, and they eventually added an underworld that you went to instead of final death. It took about an hour to get out of that area if you knew how to do it.

It won't work unless leveling up is very easy, no one wants to risk that much lost time.
The problem is most mmo's have you focus on one character, and you do everything with that character and they become an extension of yourself.

What they need to do is allow you to be a gang boss, and all your fighting is done by player created minions. That way they can perma-die, and lose all their stuff, but you can just make/recruit a new one.
The problem is most mmo's have you focus on one character, and you do everything with that character and they become an extension of yourself.

What they need to do is allow you to be a gang boss, and all your fighting is done by player created minions. That way they can perma-die, and lose all their stuff, but you can just make/recruit a new one.

the problem is that people are too pussy to play a single player that can die. but honestly, how fun are the games when you're sitting in never ending "end game"
perma death in a mmo would suck donkey balls.

ah crap lag oops dead there goes 80 hours. pvp would be hella bad too.
There has to be something in between

I don't like when there isn't anything to lose but then I don't want to permanently die.

Ultima still had it going pretty damn well in terms of everything. Then they monkeyed with it and bleh.