Ideas for a 2nd job (part-time)?

Frumpy Frampton

Veteran X
- Just graduated from college.
- Took a job in PR for a consumer electronics company in Dallas, moved
- Job sucks, planning on quitting soon and returning to freelance writing/blogging.
- Wanted to get a second job to keep the money flowing while I get a steady amount of freelance opportunities.

I've always wanted to bartend, but the bartending market seems really competitive in Dallas and no experience = hard to get a job.

I haven't done retail since I was in high school, don't really want to go back and I would prefer/need something I can do in the late afternoon/evenings/night and on weekends.

I've been watching Craigslist for stuff, but it seems pretty hit and miss.

Anybody pick up a rando 2nd, part-time job that they ended up really enjoying?

Edit: I already eliminated prostitution/dick-sucking because I already do it for free as a HOBBY.
Yeah, I may try it anyway. I live in a kind of ritzy area of town and wanted a job around here, but I'll just goto some ghetto.

i'd suggest taking a bartending class, that'll help you a little bit

get a job in a beer/shot joint, learn the drinks etc

then move up

my buddy made 1k in a single night bartending at a hall
delivering pizza wouldn't be too bad really. obviously it has the stigma of being in the food service industry, but pretty much your night would involve driving around, and making decent money from tips+wages.

if you are delivering mainly in a nice neighborhood on a busy night ... maybe 10 deliveries an hour, 2-3 tip per, plus $7/hr wages = $30+/hr.
imo go into prostitution/dick-sucking because you already have experience and you could capitalize on your talents/hobbies.
what kind of freelance writing / blogging were you into before (and were you able to make a decent amount of monies?)
maybe serving tables? i'm part time at PF Chang's to get me through college. 3 nights a week, 4 - 5pm to 10 - 11pm racks in about 1400 a month. and i really don't do much aside from take orders, suck up a little, and then bring them their drinks. we have food runners for food, and bussers to clean the tables.
I was a substitute teacher after college while i applied to grad schools and chilled out for a year.

Paid like $150 a day and was hilariously fun at age 22 or whatever.
what kind of freelance writing / blogging were you into before (and were you able to make a decent amount of monies?)

Consumer electronics. Wrote for Gizmodo for 2 years primarily making pretty good money through college.

The job sucks because I can't stand doing PR. It's like being a professional fanboy and I miss writing a ton. Thought I would quit now while I can and won't impact my life. No kids, no attachments. The biggest commitment I have is an apartment lease.
Im a network engineer for my "normal" job. I had a lot of free time at night so I picked up a job doing computer repair at a computer shop near me. Its fun, lets me play with computers and keep my skills up. Also gives me extra cash which is nice.