I was just asked to give my girlfriend an example of crazy things I did when I was 19

I just picked up a copy of Neil Strauss' Rules of the Game: Master the Art of Attraction in 30 Days


This book gives you a daily mission to complete with the goal of getting you a date in 30 days. Given that in the past I haven't had a problem getting a date and have always gotten laid on that date I don't see that as too difficult of a challenge.

Instead, I'm challenging myself to use the strategies in this book to get a date, get laid, and get naked pics of said girl for TribalWar to gawk at (I intend for this girl to be fully aware of the situation).

Given that you now all have a rooting interest in my success, feel free to alternatively support me with kind words and helpful suggestions or ridicule me with the hope that having your forum handle be insulted with sharpie on some boobies will be the closest that you ever get.

I've never read this book or anything like it. Also, I will attempt to do this as morally as possible.

Wish me luck!
This is mine:
This is what you consider crazy? =/

My girlfriend has asked that I no longer recite incidents of my younger years and comments that she has no idea how I made it out alive.