I was born 1967 seen the world 3x over fuck u

I'm a non-conformist. I don't do well in command structures.

Does anything make people like you, kunnt, blackpeople, phrito happy? I'm starting to think you guys have broken your senses of humor
Good job busting inside.

I have taught you well, my Lagbar.

there is a possibility i have a half-jap boy running around america but i dunno bc the mom was a bitch and had 3 dudes goin at the same time. i refused the dna test but her boyfriend took it and it apparently wasnt his so its between me and a jap guy and the baby looked full on jap so im leaning towards it not being mine even tho theres still a possibility. it got put up for adoption in the US so i'll prolly never know.
on one hand if i'm posting on an internet form in my 50s rather than diddling my wife and kids i'd feel pretty pathetic

on the other hand i'd rather die today than raise a wife and kids

catch 22 u no
I'm not a family man so I don't know... is diddling the wife and kids, routine? I'm not here to judge, just curious
there is a possibility i have a half-jap boy running around america but i dunno bc the mom was a bitch and had 3 dudes goin at the same time. i refused the dna test but her boyfriend took it and it apparently wasnt his so its between me and a jap guy and the baby looked full on jap so im leaning towards it not being mine even tho theres still a possibility. it got put up for adoption in the US so i'll prolly never know.
When I was a babby I looked full on Chinese based on one guy in the 14th century, in Marco Polo's Italy. Srsly, I'm 1/256th Chinee.