(: "I Told My Kid I Ate All Their Halloween Candy Again"

ITT: People who don't have kids. American TV's fuckwitted idea of what constitutes comedy. And some shitty parents. No Tehvul though, so that's a bonus.
It was about as smart as calling out another poster on a forum when you're hated just as much as said person.

If you mean Tehvul, I don't know what the fuck "calling him out" means, but then i'm not 14 or a Hick, so ho hum. And I was commenting on the general fuckwittery of a TV show encouraging parents to deliberately upset their kids and presenting it as comedy. I guess it will only make what an audience of dullards will pay to watch though. I threw the Tehvul reference in as an afterthought since he's an example of a similar - though much more sinister - level of parenting prowess.
13 year old parents were the bomb

shit im reading the thread backward and responding to old stuff