I retrospective: isuk@tribes is fucking creepy

i'd like to hear isuk's version of the lan story

He posted it in the other thread..

He basically said he wanted to go creep them out and didn't even bring a computer, and was disappointed that no one would talk to him or fight him or something, and instead they all played WoW.

Ever wonder what isuk is gonna look like when he's 80??

In light of this recent creepiness, I feel compelled to repost what was unearthed in Jislan's thread:

The truth and an apology from isuk@tribes to the TW by windexy - TribalWar Forums

When reading this, it's very important to remember that he does not care what any of us think and does not take this forum seriously.

isuk said:

Yes, I have been a major fag and annoyance in Tribes the game and possibly in IRC to some people. Also yes, some of my TW posts are negative and mean. I full well admit all of this and do deserve some of the negative attention from all of this... but recently there has been a new wave of negative shit popping up about me that just is not true. I know its hard for anyone to trust me since in the past I have lied but here goes anyways.

1.) Negative myth #1 "isuk@tribes stole Acer's cd-key". created by Acer
[T:V] Someone (windexy) warez'd the beta, now I can't play.

Acer assumed that I stole his cd-key because of my past history of being a faggot but he never had any true evidence I did take his key. Upon further investigation it was revealed I did not take his cd-key and acer himself admited he was wrong. If you look closely there is a player named "Tajora". Tajora is Nofix's friend and fellow trouble maker. I confronted Tajora about this and he admited to taking Acers key. Thrax deleted acers cd-key yet I am still able to play in beta. Why?... because I did not take his key in the first place. I had nothing at all to do with this. To follow up with this you may ask how I am able to play in the beta. The simple answer is I played from a friends house who was in beta legitly. I lied about it several times because I did not know what to do after everyone started bagging on me. Once the bandwagon starts its impossible to stop.

2.) Negative myth #2 "isuk@tribes has lasthope hax and threatened to release them." created by JM5000

A look into the mind of Windexy / Isuk@Tribes

This was a joke to scare people like [IBA]posr + JM5000 who constantly claimed I had "hax" and was hacking lasthope. I did make a "hacking program" but all it does is spam tubgirl. I played the joke on JM5000 because hes stupid enough to fall for it. You can download the program yourself @ CJB.NET. The entire thing is a joke everyone took it way to seriously and fell for it. Yes, I was stupid to play this joke and half of it is my fault. In hindsight im a fag for playing the joke and admit it but there never were any "hax".

3.) Negative myth #3 "isuk@tribes stole EOTL's tribalwar account" started by ayzianboy
uhhh wtf KittyCat/EndOfTheLine = windexy/isuk@tribes???
uhhh wtf KittyCat/EndOfTheLine = windexy/isuk@tribes???

This one is simple me and chris are friends he gave me his account because he never whores TW and it was a VET3. I thought wow why not take a vet3 account even though its technically breaking the rules its not like others *cough* ayzianboy *cough* ding dong doink haven't had more then one account. The account, windexy, was my opera account that I normally use. The other account, Kittycat, was my IE account that I lurked with and rarely posted with. I made the mistake of posting with both in the same thread and ayzianboy called me out on it. I really think ayzian is a fag for doing it especially when he had multiple accounts himself. He will lie to you and claim he was curious as to why I was using EndOfTheLines' account but the truth is he didn't need to make 2 threads about it purposely trying to get me busted.

4.)Negative myth #4 "isuk@tribes stalks ayzianboy on AIM" started by ayzianboy"
uhhh wtf KittyCat/EndOfTheLine = windexy/isuk@tribes???

I have no clue who the fuck IMed ayzianboy about this. Chances are it was Chomp or someone else pretending to be me. I resort to higher tactics then IMing someone on AIM. I still think ayzianboy is a fag for busting my account but I had nothing to do with this. I have had only one AIM sn for the past 3 years and just have to trust me on this one it wasn't me.

To conclude this I am sorry for being a major asshole to the community. Thats just my personality and I am sadly like this to everyone online. So I apologize for the stuff I have done but will never admit to stuff I didn't do. I will try to behave and be more friendly in the future.

isuk@tribes was a fag in tribes/irc for the past 2 years and admits to it

isuk@tribes wants to dispell myths even though no one will believe him

Myth #1 "isuk@tribes stole Acer's cd-key". Its not true Tajora stole it

Myth #2 "isuk@tribes has lasthope hax and threatened to release them." is partially true but I didn't actually have Hax and it was a joke to piss off JM5000

Myth#3 "isuk@tribes stole EOTL's tribalwar account" eotl just gave me the account and yes it was agianst rules and shouldn't be justified by this but many other people do the same including ayzianboy

Myth#4 "isuk@tribes stalks ayzianboy on AIM" it was chomp or someone trying to be me

END: Isuk@tribes says hes sorry for all the shit he has done but wont admit to shit he hasn't done. He also says hell try to be less gay in the future.

PS: if you really hate me and dont wanna read all this shit its ok I understand :/
and sorry for all typos + confusing shit
So not only is he a weird stalker, he has been publicly swearing that will change his ways and act somewhat normally for over four years. Yet, for some strange reason, he has been unable to keep his word.
I am not shocked by this new information, nor am I shocked that Kura would dig it up so he could feel like some sort of TW superstar.
i dont think that was a troll, i think it was a question on when you were going to change your e-persona to something new.
how come when i ask a question its a troll but when you ask a question its witty, intriguing and innovative all at once?
Hello Kura,

How is your overwhelming sense of self-confidence doing this afternoon? I'd like to report back that, as usual, my extreme homosexuality and love of the male anus is still thriving.