I need motivation.

I do best in the morning after i awakened, somehow I'm able to cram what should have been four hours of homework into a thirty minute time frame and finish a month long project in the same time frame, it's weird.

I havn't found my motivation yet, but if you do, please return to the nearest bastion of broken dreams so it might be in turn delivered to the proper mail box in baston rouge.
here's your motivation

people like AJ hang out here when they have important stuff to do

do you really want to be like AJ?
i find myself watching less movies and less tv and playing less games, and instead either going and hanging out with people/talking

or staying in and talking to you idiots

i'm just as entertained by the discourse as a show or movie

i dont know if that's sad or not
Eh I drive around the towns during day and do this in the evening, can't game without laptop, acer's slow :/ sicks as fuck today, puking my stomach out.
black people dont need motivation. they are chemically bound to be full throttle at all hours of the day.
