I just inherited 6 million dollars

A friend of mine is an ER nurse and he makes $150k working 4 - 12 hour shifts, with a full month vacay...


If it were me, I would keep working as a doctor, and be obscenely wealthy in twenty years. $6 mil isn't really a lot in the grand scheme of things. I mean, you can't buy a senator with that paltry sum.

My 2¢

sent from my TalkaTap using phone.
you can paypal me $1,000 and i will send u a pic of somebody else's penis and claim it to be mine

oh and you can spend tons of money on crowns and turn into a fucking beast on Tribalwars 2 before BeLiaL rapes your base.
holy shit eggi is fukin dumb



yeah...ten% APR per year

SNP be at 5700 today if that were the case

instead it is record breaking 2k

putting it at a more realistic 2% (since 1999 peaks)

guess what inflation averages?


it returns 23% if you went all in at 700 @ 2009 and cashed out at 2000 @ 2014

but have fun being a day trader with 100% hindsight

can someone please explain how almost 200% of 700 is a 23% return?
Just cuz u have a ton of money doesn't mean u have 2 be a super baller

I don't know buize but he seems like the kind of guy who only works cuz he has to. Being that he's brown - being a Dr prolly wasn't even his idea(or choice, knowing my other friends who are being forced 2 be doctors by their overbearing parents)

If a nigga wants to smoke the finest green and play video games and go on vacations once in a while u don't need 2 be pullin in 7 figures every year u no