I just don't care....

This is directed at people with bad parenting (most of you):

Three Doctors treat you for your massive hemorrhoids.

Doctor A has never had schooling but he's been practicing for 20 years.

Doctor B is a straight up fucking shaman and he's also been practicing for 20 years, but he has his shaman book his papa shaman passed down from generation to generation.

Doctor C also has had 20 years treating patients. Along with this accumulated experience he has schooling and medical books to reference from said schooling.

Which would you rather have treat your veins of anal fury?


If you said Doctor B: That's like 400% better than Doctor A, already.

If you said Doctor C, congratulations: You aren't stupid and can recognize how a book chock full of accumulated medical knowledge will help someone in the medical field because they can compare and contrast their accumulated experience with the fucking book.

Now, look at peoples' belief systems. We'll break it down into three types:

1. People who go by their own half-cooked made-up personal philosophy bullshit based entirely on their accumulated experience. (BuT iT mAkEs mE SpEcIaL! - No, it makes you the norm, dumbshit, and most people are stupid.)
2. Religious people.
3. People who've actually studied real philosophy.

Notice how #2 and #3 actually can take their accumulated experience and contrast it with books filled with knowledge while the #1 person is a fucking idiot.

Philosophy is awesome. You have all these different philosophers to choose from, all you have to do is find the one you identify the most with, the one whose written word just filters into your brain like money.

I recommend Nietzsche for the regular atheist. I recommend Kant for the regular God loving evangelist. I recommend Christianity (or most other religions) for people who don't mind fearing a fake entity.

If you do not get your belief system in order you will flounder around 10-20 years more than everyone else and they will fucking own you, like me.

This post is too deep for you idiots. Fuck you.0
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sircle stop script botting tribaALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

yo, im postin a thread thats close to 6 years old. That's sweet.

It's like seeing a 15 year old dog or something. You just don't expect it tot still be around
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