I just broke up with my girlfriend

AcidBurn said:
What sucks is that I really love this girl, and I really wanted to spend my life with her. I was thinking of clever ways of proposing and planning on doing so in the next few months. Ah well, better to find out now then after having spent money on a ring I guess.

You and crash_override were meant to be.
Leiawen said:
In order to get the true TW experience, this thread needs:

1) Explanation, with cliffs.
2) Pics of said ex gf. Preferably NWS.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Leiawen for being a on the ball.

The rest of you, take note: this is a TWer doing her civic duty to enforce standards of content quality.
She has a face like a bastard rat. You're better off bro.

P.S. Did you hit her in the corn?