I hate beaners.

*****But for those that want to sneak into the country, forge identifications, work under the table, and send thier money back to wherever they came from..round that ass up...ship it back home *****

Juggs if that were so then maybe many of your Irish friends would never of been born in America. Italian friends maybe? other?

Juggs are u Irish? If so, then look how far your race has come (mean that in a good way). Will we be having this discussion a 100 years from now lets say? 50 years? less?

Just some food for thought thats all.....

And YEs legal is the way to go. I AGREE.
Remo said:
*****But for those that want to sneak into the country, forge identifications, work under the table, and send thier money back to wherever they came from..round that ass up...ship it back home *****

Juggs if that were so then maybe many of your Irish friends would never of been born in America. Italian friends maybe? other?

Juggs are u Irish? If so, then look how far your race has come (mean that in a good way). Will we be having this discussion a 100 years from now lets say? 50 years? less?

Just some food for thought thats all.....

And YEs legal is the way to go. I AGREE.
actually no..im a mix...native american...didnt need any naturalization for that part of the family...welsh and german. and ALL of my family that came into this country from other countries were legal and naturalized. the closest we have to 'illegals' in the family is my grandfather left nazi germany in 38 by stowing away on a cargo ship