[I hate Apple] iphone developers, help!

drop the iphone and go to android, then im pretty sure you dont have to deal with any of this and can do what you want

The ad on the bottom is for developer freedom kek
Actually, that doesn't seem to be the case necessarily. Someone else involved in this mentioned that development for Android, SDK, licensing etc, is free... only if you allow Google to assimilate your data  (resistance is futile) . If you don't want to allow them to do vague things behind the scenes, it gets complicated. Or so I'm told.

I've come to the conclusion that they all suck.
Why do you need an app? Why not build it in a web app and add it to the iphone that way. Thats what we do.

We need to send captured images/audio/video securely to a database. Yes, it has to be directly from the phone; no, we can't just make users copy that crap off the device first. No, I can't fathom why. Yes, I want to shoot myself.
i think their is an insurance company that does this already, but travelers has an iphone app to submit accident claims w pictures securely to them.

just keep emailing them till they tell you what you want to hear.