I Guess I'll be the first: Thank you Colosus.

Link to the origination of all this doomsaying plz?

Oh, and Col didn't bring us TW. Rayn brought us TW. All Col has done is worked his hardest to become a God of his own little world, and look out for #1. If he goes, good riddance. Maybe next time we'll get someone that gives a shit about the members and not just riding out some power trip.
Sentor said:
Dear Colosus;

As a member of tribalwar, and a dedicated forum whore, I want to take the time to thank you for giving me this place. Tribalwar is a home to me, much more so than anywhere else. After all is said and done, there are people who do appreciate you, and others that will come to realization, that this place is a sanctuary for the condemned.

I know it may seem like we don't appreciate you. The fact of the matter is, that we don't. But the thought of tribalwar as a non-existent entity has made me realize just how important TW and you are to me. I want to take this time, while exhausted, to say thank you for your dedication and effort to make this a home to the thousands of tribal warriors.

In light of recent propoganda that Sir Lucious has brought to our attention, I call all of tribalwar, to take some time, and say "Thank You Colosus," for his efforts to bring us this dedicated forum that so many of us reside.


Matt Hunt


I think Spud was intoxicated (I hope) when he wrote this.
justnuts said:
Link to the origination of all this doomsaying plz?

Oh, and Col didn't bring us TW. Rayn brought us TW. All Col has done is worked his hardest to become a God of his own little world, and look out for #1. If he goes, good riddance. Maybe next time we'll get someone that gives a shit about the members and not just riding out some power trip.

Col has kept TW alive amidst several hosting problems etc. Although I disagree with some decisions he's made I appreciate his efforts to keep TW alive. TW is not about the features or graphics. It is about the people. Ultimately the forum is what keeps TW moving.

TW isn't a country. We don't just get new people to run it. TW is an LLC owned by Colosus.
(not bothering to read 3 pages of "laptop, laptop, laptop")

I'll add my thanks, too. Even though I never got a shirt or a contributor tag for my donations, I am still happy I threw money at tdubbya. this place is really important to me in a lot of ways, and yeah, I can't imagine the interweb without it.

People don't understand what they're missing when they're not a part of a community like this. wierd.
Col is an okay guy. sure he can be crabby at times, but he cant be THAT bad, right? my joindate > me at TW history.
I love Col too, I can't think of what life would be without TW. I'd always feel like I was missing something because no other forums are the same. I'd probably go outside much more and do better in school.... but still I love this place. Thx Colosus.
justnuts said:
So can someone PLEASE tell us where this originated from?
it just looks like TW is disolving. TCS is locked for all time to come, reasons unknown. no one wants to host us, and the servers seem perpetually "in transit" . it almost seems like TW is gonna collapse in <6 months.
justnuts said:
So can someone PLEASE tell us where this originated from?
Oh, that's it? Christ, you guys are retarded. Here I was thinking that there was some statement or announcement or something. This site is never going anywhere. As long as it's fueled by retards, it will never run out of gas, and Col will continue to sit on his throne and oversee his sheep.
Yakuza? said:
well put and i thank him for that too. but he didnt start tw.
And i think tw will be around even if col leaves.

I disagree. Someone might step up and attempt to run thing like they've been run. But no one can attend to the daily opperations of TW the way Matt has. He's not in a position to be liked by everyone. The decisions he makes are difficult but always well thought out. Whether you agree with his decisions or not I submit that without Matt this place would disappear in less than 6 months.

By the way, once again, I've personally seen the laptop in action. It was purchased for use by WSBN and is in use by WSBN. If Matt needed another laptop to help run TW, I'd contribute today.

Thanks Matt
Cheater said:
I disagree. Someone might step up and attempt to run thing like they've been run. But no one can attend to the daily opperations of TW the way Matt has. He's not in a position to be liked by everyone. The decisions he makes are difficult but always well thought out. Whether you agree with his decisions or not I submit that without Matt this place would disappear in less than 6 months.

By the way, once again, I've personally seen the laptop in action. It was purchased for use by WSBN and is in use by WSBN. If Matt needed another laptop to help run TW, I'd contribute today.

Thanks Matt

I agree completely. Hell, if he hadn't stepped up after Rayn then I doubt the place would be here now.
Cheater said:
By the way, once again, I've personally seen the laptop in action. It was purchased for use by WSBN and is in use by WSBN. If Matt needed another laptop to help run TW, I'd contribute today.


I thought it was for WOFN

Cheater said:
I disagree. Someone might step up and attempt to run thing like they've been run. But no one can attend to the daily opperations of TW the way Matt has. He's not in a position to be liked by everyone. The decisions he makes are difficult but always well thought out. Whether you agree with his decisions or not I submit that without Matt this place would disappear in less than 6 months.


Even rayn has said that if he were still in charge the place would have died a long time ago. As I said I don't always agree with the decisions col makes but the forum would be dead if he weren't running it.