i got stood up for the 5th time in a row tonight (e/n sorta)

CapnPyro said:
by the same really hot blonde girl. you'd think she's not interested, only she calls me a couple times a day. >=|

the reason for tonight? her best friend just broke up with her boyfriend that she's been with since she was 7yrs old and is crying her guts out.. her boyfriend of the past 12 years. that's pretty nuts.

so i get another raincheck, man i'd of cut her off by now but i live in this town of about 200 people ('civilization' is about a 15min. drive away, fairly big town), she's one of two or three pretty girls in town (her friends the other) and we get along well. ah, what can ya do? teh suprise sex?

girls are bumming me down too

im kinda depressed right now, don't feel too lonely