I get my wisdom teeth out in 45 minutes

on fucking new years.... who ever set your appointment up is a fucking tard....

The whole idea of throat hurting is when they put you to sleep and the doctor choles you with his large cock ;) have fun fuckface mcgee
eh...it's not so bad, i had my wisdom teeth taken out in 8th grade, lol. the timing is pretty horrific though, i dunno why you would agree to it :\
I'm in town for my winter break and it was the only opening before I leave for next semester. I had some crazy pain over Thanksgiving, and I'd rather just get them out and not have to deal with it anymore.
All 4 that I have are coming out, 2 are already mostly exposed, and the other 2 are barely poking through. I'm leaving now, so happy new year TW!
I just had them taken out a couple months ago. The operation itself isnt bad. Not only is your mouth flooded with novicane, you also are given a sedative and laughing gas/o2. Its the week after that sucks. Atleast you get some percocet.
I had mine taken out with just a local. Granted they did them at different times, but still, I'm more manly then those that get knocked out first. (plus you get 4x the painpills)
Don't smoke, your blood clot will dry up and pop out like a soggy Corn Pop.

And on a related note, don't eat corn pops while you've got your wisdom teeth out, you never know when that last one stuck in the back of your mouth is actually a blood clot.
My blood clot left me. I then had a dry socket and wanted to kill myself for a week...... Seriously.
I had mine taken out with just a local. Granted they did them at different times, but still, I'm more manly then those that get knocked out first. (plus you get 4x the painpills)

Due to the location of 2 of my 4 upper wisdom teeth, I HAD to get knocked out. They were so close to my sinus cavities that local wouldn't have been safe if they popped something into my sinuses
I just had mine out Friday, and was out on the town the next day...granted a little puffy faced.

Be prepared to hear the sounds of chicken bones being cracked inside of your head.
I went to get my 2 out

I got the painkiller they use for cavities (local only)

Then she used some screwdriver to pry at it a bit, then went in with the plyers and tore the motherfuckers out.

Hurt like a bitch when it happened. Then it bled for a couple hours. No pain otherwise.

She shot me with the happy juice and said "OK I'm gonna pull a bit let me know if you need more numbing" and then starts prying. So I was all "OH LORD GIMME SOME MORE NEEDLE" and she said "IT'S TOO LATE THERE'S NO TURNING BACK NOW" and tore the motherfucker out.
I had some extractions done. Vicodin doesn't work on me for some reason. Fun times with dry sockets, I smoke so it's my own damn fault.
I had a molar removed two weeks ago, that sucked badly. I take blood thinners so I was off of them for 4 days prior, my blood was still thin, I bleed for like 8 hours strait after.