i fucking hate israel

if we gave other arab nations 11 billion dollars a year to modernize and whatever, i'm sure i'd enjoy my stay there too. lebanon i believe is supposed to be nice
or morracco, india, phillipines, micronesia...

you really are a fucking idiot.
Your kraut buddies really failed the ottoman's and lost all of that land, giving the palestine a shared state was really a terrible act of charity

The Arabs took a gamble when they rejected the partition. A gamble they will win, since Israel is an unsustainable state - it lives only because the American taxpayer pays for their living and arms them to the teeth. Israel will cease to exist this century because America will. A different question is, was the loss of so many Arab generations justified? I believe so. They breed like rats anyway. It's not a great setback.
You do know that all that footage of "Palestinians celebrating after 9/11" was fake right?

Rumors about the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


the page you quoted says the videos were real

News footage of Palestinians celebrating the attacks was old or faked
RUMOR: "I've received several copies of a message alleging that CNN is using 1991 footage of celebrating Palestinians and passing it off as 2001 footage of Palestinians supposedly celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon."
STATUS: False. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat wouldn't be on record as condemning such demonstrations if they hadn't happened; besides which, they were also documented by news outlets other than CNN. Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news executive, has denied the allegations, calling them "baseless and ridiculous." According to Jordan the footage in question was shot by a Reuters crew in East Jerusalem on September 11. Reuters also stands by the authenticity of the footage.
• Arab Street Cheers, Govts Lament U.S. Attacks, Reuters
&bull: Palestinian Officials Quash Pictures of Arab Celebrations, Fox News
• AP Protests Threats to Cameraman, Associated Press

the page you quoted says the videos were real


The Mossad sent a team of observers to document 'the event'. These agents even bragged about it on Israeli TV. They were captured in the US after people reported seeing them celebrate and dance.
the page you quoted says the videos were real


It must really pain you to read more than a few sentences. If you read further, you would've found out that while they were authentic, they were also staged and hardly representative of what was going on in Jerusalem.

Annette Krüger Spitta of the ARD's (German public broadcasting) TV magazine Panorama states that footage not aired shows that the street surrounding the celebration in Jerusalem is quiet. Furthermore, she states that a man in a white T-shirt incited the children and gathered people together for the shot. The Panorama report, dated September 20, 2001, quotes Communications Professor Martin Löffelholz explaining that in the images one sees jubilant Palestinian children and several adults but there is no indication that their pleasure is related to the attack. The woman seen cheering (Nawal Abdel Fatah) stated afterwards that she was offered cake if she celebrated on camera, and was frightened when she saw the pictures on television afterward.[10]
Peaceful protesters......

Police say 16 pro-Palestinian activists from the flotilla have been arrested. Dozens of other activists are to be deported.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says the activists were taken ashore and were jailed in the southern desert town of Beersheba after refusing to identify themselves.
those arent links of the law, its this news story with the same garbage you have been saying.

written by a student

Alicia Ryberg (aryberg) on Twitter

you should have her ask her teacher what he thinks about other stuff too, like Justin Beiber

:lol: You're really slipping here.

The source is from the biggest newspaper in Norway. And if you had bothered to read the link you would see that Professor Geir Ulfstein at the Department of Public Law at the University of Oslo said Israel violated international law when the attack convoy of activists and auxiliary equipment.

I'm gonna go ahead and take his word for it.
It must really pain you to read more than a few sentences. If you read further, you would've found out that while they were authentic, they were also staged and hardly representative of what was going on in Jerusalem.


Reuters and Arafat as one source vs A woman who works at a German news magazine and her claim of unseen footage (not a first hand account, but a 3rd party account that video exists that only she knows of). You guys should really source some of the news you post
:lol: You're really slipping here.

The source is from the biggest newspaper in Norway. And if you had bothered to read the link you would see that Professor Geir Ulfstein at the Department of Public Law at the University of Oslo said Israel violated international law when the attack convoy of activists and auxiliary equipment.

I'm gonna go ahead and take his word for it.

I see she asked her teacher two questions

and he gave his opinion, an educated one at that, but if you take one educators account as law you have problems. I think even the professor himself would tell you that.

I already posted that their are previsions for boarding in international waters, like we do for drug crimes all the time.
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