I don't understand(T:V ping)


Veteran X
Veteran XX
My pings in T:V are all over the place. I'll ping 70 outside of the game, and then when I get in it'll cycle between 70 and 150 every 3 seconds. I assume it's my connection since most people seem to have steady pings(and I've tried at least 7 servers), but if I go play tribes or UT2004 my ping is completely fine and stable.

Are there any T:V network tweaks I should be doing? My cable internet has been pretty good as long as I've had it so I'm lost as to why it's sucking so bad with just this game.
Nah your connection is fine..Its been happening to alot of us. Myself included our pings in game are fine even though its not showing correctly it just needs some fixing.